Search Results - laments
1The maid of the haystackPrint
3Weep forth your tears and do lament, V (6)Manuscript copy GB-Lbl , Add. 29372-29377
4Weep forth your tears and do lament, V (6)Manuscript copy GB-Lms , C.191.1.1; T 2Weep forth your tears and do lament
5Who shall now grace our plains, S, b in F majorManuscript copy GB-Lbl , Add. 293961.1.1; S; FWho shall now grace our plains
6Weep forth your tears and do lament, V (6)Manuscript copy GB-Ob , Ms. Mus. f. 20-241.1.1; SWeep forth your tears and do lament
7O tell me wretched shape of misery, V (6)Manuscript copy GB-Ob , Ms. Mus. f. 20-241.1.1; SO tell me wretched shape of misery
8O weh o Herzeleid, S, strings, bcManuscript copy D-MEIr , NHs 926 (2)1.1.1; S soloO weh o Herzeleid
9Ah alas you salt sea gods, i (5)Manuscript copy GB-Lbl , Add. 294271.1.1; hautecontre
10Cease now vain thoughts, V (5)Manuscript copy GB-Lbl , Add. 294271.1.1; ACease now vain thoughts
11Enforced by love and fear, CoroManuscript copy GB-Lbl , Add. 115861.1.1; VEnforced by love and fear
12Prepare to die, i (5) in G minorManuscript copy GB-Lbl , Add. 17786-17789, 177911.1.1; i; g
13Come tread the path, V (5)Manuscript copy GB-Lbl , Add. 294271.1.1; ACome tread the path
14Send forth thy sighes, V (6) in D minorManuscript copy GB-Lbl , Add. 17786-177911.1.1; V; dSend forth thy sighes
15O Jove from stately throne, S, i (5) in D minorManuscript copy GB-Lbl , Add. 17786-177911.1.1; V; dO Jove from stately throne
16Ah alas you salt sea gods, vla da gamba (5)Manuscript copy GB-Lbl , Add. 17786-17789, 177911.1.1; i[Ah alas you salt sea gods]
17Acis and Galatea, S, strings, HWV 49a, Excerpts in F majorManuscript copy GB-Lfom , Accession Number 114111.1.1; As when the dove; S; Galatea; F
(Voice part)As when the dove laments her love -
18Acis and Galatea, S, vl, b, HWV 49a/7, HWV 49a/8, ExcerptsManuscript copy D-LEm , PM 175931.1.1; [Recitative].; SO didst thou know the pains of absent love
19For death of her, V (5) in D minorManuscript copy GB-Lbl , Add. 18936-189391.1.1; A; dFor death of her
20O death rock me asleep, V (5) in G minorManuscript copy GB-Lbl , Add. 18936-189391.1.1; T; gO death rock me asleep