Search Results - Composer: dibdin
2The Ephesian Matron, V (4), pfManuscript copy D-DT , Mus - n 3378
3Great NewsPrint
4The Padlock, V, bc, ExcerptsManuscript copy US-AUS , Finney 17
5Soldier's adieu, V, cemb in Eb majorManuscript copy US-AUS , Finney 17
6The Padlock, V, cemb, ExcerptsManuscript copy US-AUS , Finney 17
7The Cake House, S, vl, b, fl (2), ExcerptsAutograph manuscript GB-Lbl , Add. 30951
8What charm adds sweetest grace, S, vl, pfAutograph manuscript GB-Lbl , Add. 30951
9Scarce come to London, S, vl, fl (2), pfAutograph manuscript GB-Lbl , Add. 30952
10If ever a sailor was fond of good sport, S, vl, fl (2), pfAutograph manuscript GB-Lbl , Add. 30952
11The Sphinx, S, vl, fl (2), pf, ExcerptsAutograph manuscript GB-Lbl , Add. 30953
12The Sphinx, S, fl (2), vl, pf, ExcerptsAutograph manuscript GB-Lbl , Add. 30954
13The Cake House, S, vl, fl (2), pf, ExcerptsAutograph manuscript GB-Lbl , Add. 30954
14The Telegraph, S, fl (2), vl, pfAutograph manuscript GB-Lbl , Add. 30954
15Will o' the Wisp, S, ExcerptsManuscript copy GB-HFr , D/EHx/F2/1
16The OdditiesPrint
17The WagsPrint
18The whim of the momentPrint