Search Results - Composer: dibdin
1Of age tomorrowPrint
3Harlequin Freemason, ExcerptsManuscript copy GB-Cu , MS.Add.9113
4The General ElectionPrint
5Will o' the WispPrint
6Poor Tom Bowling, S, pfManuscript copy GB-Lbl , Add. 25073
7Of the ancients it's speaking, S, pfManuscript copy GB-Lbl , Add. 25073
8The Sphinx, S, vl, b, fl (2), ExcerptsAutograph manuscript GB-Lbl , Add. 30951
9An Irishman's tongue, S, vl, fl (2), bAutograph manuscript GB-Lbl , Add. 30951
10Christmas Gambols, S (3), vl, b, ExcerptsAutograph manuscript GB-Lbl , Add. 30951
11Says my father says he, S, vl, fl (2), bAutograph manuscript GB-Lbl , Add. 30951
12Tom Wilkins, S, vl, fl (2), pf, ExcerptsAutograph manuscript GB-Lbl , Add. 30952
13The Sphinx, S, vl, fl (2), pf, ExcerptsAutograph manuscript GB-Lbl , Add. 30952
14The Sphinx, S, vl, fl (2), pf, ExcerptsAutograph manuscript GB-Lbl , Add. 30952
15I go in London about the street, S, vl, pfAutograph manuscript GB-Lbl , Add. 30953
16The Sphinx, S, vl, pf, ExcerptsAutograph manuscript GB-Lbl , Add. 30953
17Tom Wilkins, S, vl, fl (2), pf, ExcerptsAutograph manuscript GB-Lbl , Add. 30954
18A Tour to Land's End, S, vl, fl (2), pf, ExcerptsAutograph manuscript GB-Lbl , Add. 30955
19The Telegraph, S in D majorManuscript copy GB-HFr , D/EHx/F2/1
20Great News, S, ExcerptsManuscript copy GB-HFr , D/EHx/F2/1