Search Results - LibrarySiglum: US*
1Davids Sieg im Eichthale., Coro, orchManuscript copy US-WS , SCM [57] Salem ms
3Le Prince et le mendiantManuscript copy US-CAward , M1520.S272 P7 1965 F
4Emily Dickinson Set, S (2), A, pfAutograph manuscript US-Wc , ML96 .K2 Case
5Triptych, Coro, pfAutograph manuscript US-Wc , ML96 .K2 Case
6Fantasy variations, orchAutograph manuscript US-Wc , ML96 .K2 Case
9O magnum mysterium, V (4), bellsAutograph manuscript US-NYj , [without shelfmark]
10Alleluia pro virgine Maria, V (4), bellsAutograph manuscript US-NYj , [without shelfmark]
11Puer nobis, i (6)Autograph manuscript US-NYj , [without shelfmark]
12Lux fulgebit, i (9)Autograph manuscript US-NYj , [without shelfmark]
13The fader of heven, V (2), bellsAutograph manuscript US-NYj , [without shelfmark]
14Haylle comley and clene, V (4), bellsAutograph manuscript US-NYj , [without shelfmark]
15Serenades, cor (4)Autograph manuscript US-Wc , ML96 .K2 Case
16A New song, Coro, ExcerptsAutograph manuscript US-Wc , ML96 .K2 Case
17Grace to you, and peace from God, our Father, and the Lord. Jesus Christ., Coro, I, SketchesAutograph manuscript US-Wc , ML96 .K2 Case
19Canticum sacrum ad honorem Sancti Marci nominis, V (2), Coro, orch, org, KirSt 86Autograph manuscript US-NYj , [without shelfmark]
20Rejoice in Jesus' birth, Coro, pf in Bb majorManuscript copy US-BETm , PMMA [17.1] Beth ms