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Scoring summary: V, bc, V (2), bc, V (3), bc, V (4), bc
Opus number: op. 8
Subject: Madrigals, Arias (voc.), Villanellas
Original Title: CANTO PRIMO. | L'AVRATA CINTIA | ARMONICA, | ARIE, MADRIGALI, DIALOGI, E VILLANELLE, | Di diuersi Eccellentissimi Autori, à 1. à 2. à 3. & à 4. | Posta in luce | DA FABIO COSTANTINI ROMANO | Maestro di Cappella dell' illustrissima Città d'Oruieto. | All'illustriss. e Reuerendiss. Sig. il Sig. | CARD. CRESCENTIO | VESCOVO D'ORVIETO. | Opera Ottaua, Libro Secondo. Con la Partitura. | [printer's mark] | IN ORVIETO, Per Michel'Angelo Fei, e Rinaldo Ruuli. 1622. | Con Licenza Superiori.
  • Source type
    Source type: Print
    Content type: Notated music
    Publishing, printing and production information
    Place: Orvieto
    Publisher, copyist: Michel'Angelo Fei et Rinaldo Ruuli
    Format, extent: 3 parts
    Book format: 4°
    Printing technique: Typography
    Parts held and extent: S 1, S 2, bc: 44, 36, 16 p.
Notes: Contains: G. F. Anerio, A. Antonelli, G. B. Boschetti (3), A. Costantini (4), F. Costantini (5) G. Frescobaldi, T. Gargari (2), F. Grapuccio, P. Mutii
RISM series: B/I 162210
Source of description note: I-Bc V.142
Bibliographic reference: p. 284
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Library (siglum):
Bibliographic reference: p. 284
Material held: 2 parts: S 1, S 2
External Links: [bibliographic record]
RISM ID no.: 993121551
Last update: June 11, 2023