Composer cross-reference: [Ascertained]
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Author: [Ascertained]
Author: [Ascertained]
Author: [Ascertained]
Scoring summary: V (5), bc, V (6), bc, V (7), bc, V (8), bc
Language of Text: Latin
Subject: Motets, Sacred songs
Original Title: [title page, parts, in an illustrated frame:] [indication of part]. | PROMPTUARII MUSICI, | SACRAS HAR- | MONIAS SIVE MOTETAS | V. VI. VII. & VIII. | VOCUM, | E DIVERSIS, CLARISSIMIS | huius & superioris ætatis authoribus, | In Germania nusquam editis collectas exhibentis. | PARS ALTERA: | Quæ | ÆSTIVI TEMPORIS FESTIVITATIBUS DOMINI- | cisq́ue diebus selectiores concentus S.S. Ecclesiæ | usui inservientes continet. | COLLECTORE ABRAHAMO SCHADAEO, | Senfftebergensi. | Cui | BASIN AD ORGANA MUSICAQUE INSTRU- | menta accommodatum, vulgò generalem dictam | adjecit. | CASPAR VINCENTIUS, SPIRENSIUM | Organicen. | ARGENTINÆ | Typis CAROLI KIEFFERI, | Sumptibus PAULI LEDERTZ. | Anno 1612.
Variant title on source: [title page, bc, in an illustrated frame:] BASIS | GENERALIS | AD ORGANA | MVSICA ACCOM- | modata; | SECVNDÆQVE PARTI | PROMPTUARII MUSICI | è variis iisque Clarißimis authoribus, ante- | hac in Germania nunquam editis, | ab | Abrahamo Schadæo Senfftebergensi | COLLECTI, | In gratiam Organicinum. | ADJECTA, | Studio & industriâ | CASPARIS VINCENTII, SENATUS | Spirensis Organorum moderatoris. | ARGENTINÆ | Impensis PAULI LEDERTZ, | Bibliopolæ; | Typis Caroli Kiefferi. | M. DC. XII.
  • Source type
    Source type: Print
    Content type: Notated music
    Publishing, printing and production information
    Place: ARGENTINÆ [Strasbourg]
    Publisher, copyist: Typis CAROLI KIEFFERI, | Sumptibus PAULI LEDERTZ
    Format, extent: 9 parts
    Book format: 4°; 2°
    Printing technique: Typography; Typography
    Parts held and extent: S: 62 f.; A: 62 f.; T: 66 f.; B: 58 f.; V 5: 53 f.; V 6: 58 f.; V 7: 40 f.; V 8: 30 f.; bc: 69 f.
    Gesamtumfang, T: f. (a)1r Titel; f. (a)1v leer; f. (a)2r-v Widmung "AMPLISSIMIS VIRIS | PRUDENTIA, VIRTUTE, DOCTRINA, | gerendarumq́ usu rerum præstantibus, | CIVITATIS IMPERIALIS | LANDAVIENSIS, | Dn. Dn. Consulibus, Senatorioque ordini, | Dn. meis Colendißimis.", gezeichnet "Scrib. Spiræ Nemetum 5. Cal. Januarii Anno. M. DC. XI. | V. Amplitud. & Prudent. | observant. | Abrahamus Schadæus Senfftebergensis | Ludi Spirensium publici | Rector."; f. (a)3r-4v Ehrengedichte; f. (b)1r-2r "INDEX CANTIONVM | HUIUS PARTIS | juxta feriem festivitatum & dierum | Dominicarum."; f. (b)2v leer; f. AA1r-PP4v Noten und Texte (100 Nummern); f. PP4v mit Schlussvermerk "FINIS." und einer Erläuterung zur letzten enthaltenen Komposition: "Collectori huius operis solerti, suo familiarißimo, obitum heu insperatum | Annæ Espichiæ coniugis suæ suavißimæ, quæ Cal. Aprilis Anno 1611. Spiræ Nemetum | placidè in Christo expirabat, nimiúm lugenti, LESSUM hunc consolationis ergò animo | condolente f. author qui supra.".; Bogennorm (außer bc): Promptuarij Musici, pars altera.
  • Material
    Format, extent: 1 part: 62 f.
Editor: [Ascertained]
Scoring: V, bc
Notes: Bc in-fol.
Contains: G. Arnone (2), G. Baglioni, B. Bagni (3), L. Balbi, (3) V. Bertholusi, F. Bianciardi, A. Borsaro, D. Brunetti, C. Buel, L. Casali, O. Catalani (3), G. P. Cima (2),. F. Croatti, G. Croce (3), G. B. Dulcino, C. Erbach, G. Gabrieli (3), G. Giacobbi (2), G. B. della Gostena (2), F. M. Guaitoli (3), H. L. Hassler (3), S. d’India, L. Leoni (3), L. Marenzio, T. Massaino (2), S. Molinaro (3), P. de Monte, G. Osculati (2), A. Pacelli (3), G. P. da Palestrina, B. Pallavicino (3), N. Parma (2), A. Perini (2), G. Piccioni (2), G. F. Ramella, N. Rubini (3), A. Saladdi, A. Savetta (2), P. Signorucci, L. Spontoni, G. B. Stefanini (4), G. B. Strata, C. Valcampi (6), B. Vannini, M. Varotto, Orazio Vecchi (3), G. Villani, G. Vincent (5), N. Zangius (2), Anon.
RISM series: B/I 16123
Source of description note: D-Mbs 4 450-1/4#2
Bibliographic reference: no. 2469
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Library (siglum):
Library (siglum):
Material held: Bc
Czech Republic
Library (siglum):
Former owner: [Ascertained]
Binding: Leather binding, 1617.
Material held: A
Notes: Part A. Composite volume (exemplar contains also Pars prima and Pars tertia).; At the binding: N D B z D: [Mikuláš Diviš Berounský z Doubravína] | 1617.; In the end of this composite volume handwritten sacred pieces for alto from different copyists.
Shelfmark (olim): XXXIII C 20; XIII 29; C. 30.
Parts: 1 part: 62 f.
External Links: Bibliographical record
Library (siglum):
Material held: 2 ex.
Notes: 2. ex. bc missing
External Links: [bibliographic record]
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Material held: AT
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Material held: STB 57
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Material held: mq. A
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Material held: 6
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Material held: SAB 567
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Material held: SATB 568
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Material held: SATB 58
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External Links: [bibliographic record]
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Material held: SATB 68
External Links: [bibliographic record]
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Material held: SATB 678
External Links: [bibliographic record]
Library (siglum):
Material held: S 578 Bc
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Material held: A
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Material held: 5
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External Links: [bibliographic record]
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Material held: SATB 57
United Kingdom
Library (siglum):
Material held: SATB 5678
Library (siglum):
Material held: ATB 5678
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Material held: S 5
Bound with: 1001202745
Library (siglum):
Bibliographic reference: no. 2469
Material held: 9 parts: S, A, T, B, V 5, V 6, V 7, V 8, bc
Library (siglum):
Library (siglum):
Material held: SATB 567
Library (siglum):
RISM ID no.: 993121352
Last update: December 6, 2024