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Scoring summary: V (4), V (5), V (6), V (X)
Subject: Sacred songs
Original Title: Quartus tomus Evangeliorum, quatuor, quinque, sex, et plurium vocum. Continens historias & doctrinam, quae in Ecclesia proponi solet: de Baptisato Christo a Ioanne. De Transfiguratione Christi. De Passione et Cruce Christi. [ Nürnberg, J. Montanus & U. Neuber, 1555 ]
Source type
Source type: Print
Content type: Notated music
Publishing, printing and production information
Place: Nürnberg
Publisher, copyist: J. Montanus & U. Neuber
Format, extent: 5 parts
Dimensions: printed area, title (T): 11,0 x 14,4 cm; printed area, music (T): 11,2 x 14,7 cm
Book format: 4°
Printing technique: Typography
Parts held and extent: S: 38 f.; A: 40 f.; T: 37 f.; B: 36 f.; V 5: 26 f.
Format, extent: 5 parts: S, A, T, B, V 5
Format, extent: 2 parts: A, B
Notes: Contains: J. Berchem (4), S. Boyleau, C. Canis, Clemens non papa (4), J. Cleve, B. Comes (2), N. Gombert, Gosse, J. Guyot, Maistre Jan, Lupi (2), C. Morales (2), A. Schwartz, J. Vaet, A. Willaert (3), Anon. (2)
S, A, B, Vag: "In quarto tomo Evangeliorum"
S, A, B, Vag: "In quarto tomo Evangeliorum"
RISM series: B/I 155512
Source of description note: D-Dl Mus.Gri.5,4
Bibliographic reference:
p. 14-16
- Anonymus: In columbae specie - V (5)
- Clemens non Papa, Jacobus: Super ripam Jordanis stabat beatus - V (5)
- Berchem, Jacquet de: Hodie in Jordane - V (6)
- Maistre Jhan: Hodie in Jordane - V (6)
- Jachet de Mantua: Domine bonum est - V (4)
- Schwartz, Andreas: In illo tempore assumpsit Jesus - V (4)
- Clemens non Papa, Jacobus: Assumpsit Jesus Petrum - V (5)
- Le Conte, Bartholomeus: Assumpsit Jesus Petrum - V (5)
- Morales, Cristóbal de: In illo tempore - V (4)
- Jachet de Mantua: In illo tempore - V (4)
- Willaert, Adrian: In illo tempore - V (4)
- Le Conte, Bartholomeus: Agnus Christus in cruce immolatur - V (4)
- Clemens non Papa, Jacobus: Circumdederunt me - V (4)
- Guyot de Châtelet, Jean: Domine quis credidit - V (4)
- Vaet, Jacobus: Patris sapientia veritas divina - V (4)
- Cleve, Johannes de: O crux gloriosa - V (4)
- Boyleau, Simon: Dulce lignum dulces clavos - V (4)
- Willaert, Adrian: Salve crux sancta arbor digna - V (4)
- Morales, Cristóbal de: Signum crucis mirabile - V (4)
- Jachet de Mantua: O vos omnes - V (4)
- Lupino, Francesco: Dum fabricator mundi mortis - V (5)
- Anonymus: Christus factus est - V (5)
- Clemens non Papa, Jacobus: Haec est arbor dignissima - V (5)
- Canis, Cornelius: Dixerunt impii apud se non recte cogitantes - V (5)
- Willaert, Adrian: Locuti sunt adversum me - V (5)
- Anonymus: O crux viride lignum - V (5)
- Gombert, Nicolas: O crux splendidior - V (6)
- Gosse, Maistre: O vos omnes - V (6)
A-Wn , Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, Musiksammlung SA.76.C.10
Library (siglum):
Material held:
B-Br , Bibliothèque royale de Belgique (KBR) - Koninklijke Bibliotheek van België (KBR) [no indication]
Library (siglum):
Material held:
D-B , Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin - Preußischer Kulturbesitz, Musikabteilung [no indication]
Library (siglum):
D-Dl , Sächsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek (SLUB) Mus.Gri.5,4
Library (siglum):
D-HAmk , Marienbibliothek [no indication]
Library (siglum):
D-Kl , Landesbibliothek und Murhardsche Bibliothek der Stadt Kassel [no indication]
Library (siglum):
D-Mbs , Bayerische Staatsbibliothek 4 112#Beibd.3
Library (siglum):
D-Nla , Bibliothek beim Landeskirchlichen Archiv [no indication]
Library (siglum):
D-Rp , Bischöfliche Zentralbibliothek, Proskesche Musikabteilung [no indication]
Library (siglum):
F-Pc , Bibliothèque du Conservatoire [no indication]
Library (siglum):
Material held:
PL-Wu , Biblioteka Uniwersytecka [IV, V]
Library (siglum):
Former owner:
Bibliographic reference:
p. 14-16
Material held:
incomplete: A, B
Bound with: 1001257362
Notes: Quarter covers of light leather and parchment (manuscript waste) over cardboards. Leather tooled in blind. On the left cover indication of the part [ALTVS / BASSVS] and date of the binding: "1561".; Provenence note on the title page of the "Evangeliorvm [...] in Tomo Primo" in A part: "Pro usu Ecclesiae Ilcusien[sis] in quinq[ue] partes compactae"; in B part note is similarly phrased. Handwritten historical shelfmark on the left paste-down in A part: "L. 56 | Kl 73 | A | Z 4 32 | Kl 73".; Półskórek, oprawa mnisza - na tekturze jasna skóra tłoczona ślepo oraz pergamin z niezidentyfikowanym tekstem łacińskim. Na lewej okładce u góry oznaczenie głosu ["ALTVS" lub "BASSVS"] oraz data oprawy: "1561". Na lewej wyklejce dawne sygnatury.
Shelfmark (olim): L. 56 | Kl 73; A | Z 4 32 | Kl 73
Provenance: Pro usu Ecclesiae Ilcusiensis
Parts: 2 parts: A, B
Format: binding: 15 x 20 cm
Bound with: 1001257362
Notes: Quarter covers of light leather and parchment (manuscript waste) over cardboards. Leather tooled in blind. On the left cover indication of the part [ALTVS / BASSVS] and date of the binding: "1561".; Provenence note on the title page of the "Evangeliorvm [...] in Tomo Primo" in A part: "Pro usu Ecclesiae Ilcusien[sis] in quinq[ue] partes compactae"; in B part note is similarly phrased. Handwritten historical shelfmark on the left paste-down in A part: "L. 56 | Kl 73 | A | Z 4 32 | Kl 73".; Półskórek, oprawa mnisza - na tekturze jasna skóra tłoczona ślepo oraz pergamin z niezidentyfikowanym tekstem łacińskim. Na lewej okładce u góry oznaczenie głosu ["ALTVS" lub "BASSVS"] oraz data oprawy: "1561". Na lewej wyklejce dawne sygnatury.
Shelfmark (olim): L. 56 | Kl 73; A | Z 4 32 | Kl 73
Provenance: Pro usu Ecclesiae Ilcusiensis
Parts: 2 parts: A, B
Format: binding: 15 x 20 cm
S-Skma , Musik- och teaterbiblioteket [no indication]
Library (siglum):
Material held:
S-Uu , Universitetsbibliotek, Carolina Rediviva [no indication]
Library (siglum):
SI-Lng , Narodna in univerzitetna knjižnica, Glasbena zbirka [no indication]
Library (siglum):
Material held:
RISM ID no.: 993120127
Last update: July 12, 2023
Last update: July 12, 2023