Scoring summary: V (5)
Language of Text: Latin
Subject: Sacred vocal music
Original Title: [T:] EVANGELIA DO= | MINICORVM ET FESTORVM / DIERVM MVSICIS NVMERIS | pulcherrimè comprehensa & ornata. | TENOR [in Schmuckrahmen mit Jahreszahl 1546] | TOMI PRIMI | CONTINENTIS HISTORI- | as & doctrinam, quo solent in Ecclesia proponi. | De Natiuitate. | De Epiphanijs. | De Resurrectione Iesu Christi. | NORIBERGAE IN OFFICINA IOANNIS MON= | TANI ET VLRICI NEVBERI, ANNO M.D.LIIII.
Variant title on source: [S, A, V 5:] DISCANTVS | EVANGELIORVM | QVAE CONTINENTVR | in Tomo primo.
  • Source type
    Source type: Print
    Content type: Notated music
    Publishing, printing and production information
    Format, extent: 5 parts
    Dimensions: printed area, title: 11,0 x 14,0 cm; printed area, music: 11,0 x 14,0 cm
    Book format: 4°
    Printing technique: Typography
    Parts held and extent: S: 54 f.; A: 57 f.; T: 56 f.; B: 50 f.; V 5: 24 f.
  • Material
    Format, extent: 5 parts: S, A, T, B, V 5
  • Material
    Format, extent: 2 parts: A, B
Publisher: [Ascertained]
Publisher: [Ascertained]
Notes: Contains: J. Alard, Clemens non papa (7), J. Conseil, T. Crecquillon, N. Fouchier, J. Gallus, M. Gascongne, J. Gero, N. Gombert (2), L. Hellinck, S. Hollander, H. Isaac, Jaquet, Josquin (2), G. Jonckers, J. Larchier, Lasson, F. Lupino, C. Morales (2), J. Mouton (4), L. Pieton, J. Pionnier (2), J. Richafort, V. Soir, P. Verdelot (3), A. Willaert
In T auf f.2r-3v: Dedikation "AMPLISSIMO ATQVE PRVDENTISSIMO SENATORVM ORDINI VRBIS INCLYTAE Noribergensis, Dominis suis clementissimis. S. [Schmuckinitiale]... Noribergae. 28. Augusti. An. 1554. Ioannes Montanus Typographus."
In D, A, B auf f.2r-3v, in T auf f.4r-4v, in Vagans auf f.2r: "INDEX TOMI PRIMI..." In D: Nr.20 fälschlich "Ioannes Larchier" statt Francesco Lupino zugeschrieben.
LincolnM 1993, p. 767f. (mit Musikincipits sämtlicher Stücke und Stimmen).
RISM series: B/I 155410
Source of description note: D-Kl, D-Dl Mus.Gri.5,1
Bibliographic reference: 1554e p. 767f. p. 14-16
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Library (siglum):
Material held: SATB
Library (siglum):
Material held: SATB
Library (siglum):
Library (siglum):
Material held: cpl.
Bound with: 1001142100
Notes: S unvollständig; Auf dem Titelblatt verblasster Stempel "BIBLIOTHEK der Fürsten- u. Landesschule zu GRIMMA"
Parts: 5 parts: S, A, T, B, V 5
Format: 15,0 x 19,8 cm
External Links: Stempel
Library (siglum):
Library (siglum):
Library (siglum):
Library (siglum):
Library (siglum):
Material held: S inc., T
Library (siglum):
Material held: S
Library (siglum):
Former owner:
Bibliographic reference: p. 14-16
Material held: incomplete: A, B
Bound with: 1001257362
Notes: Quarter covers of light leather and parchment (manuscript waste) over cardboards. Leather tooled in blind. On the left cover indication of the part [ALTVS / BASSVS] and date of the binding: "1561".; Provenence note on the title page of the "Evangeliorvm [...] in Tomo Primo" in A part: "Pro usu Ecclesiae Ilcusien[sis] in quinq[ue] partes compactae"; in B part note is similarly phrased. Handwritten historical shelfmark on the left paste-down in A part: "L. 56 | Kl 73 | A | Z 4 32 | Kl 73"; Półskórek, oprawa mnisza - na tekturze jasna skóra tłoczona ślepo oraz pergamin z niezidentyfikowanym tekstem łacińskim. Na lewej okładce u góry oznaczenie głosu ["ALTVS" lub "BASSVS"] oraz data oprawy: "1561". Na lewej wyklejce dawne sygnatury.
Shelfmark (olim): L. 56 | Kl 73; A | Z 4 32 | Kl 73
Provenance: Pro usu Ecclesiae Ilcusiensis
Parts: 2 parts: A, B
Format: binding: 15 x 20 cm
Library (siglum):
Material held: SATV
Library (siglum):
Library (siglum):
Material held: SBV
RISM ID no.: 993120090
Last update: June 11, 2023