Scoring summary: V (5)
Language of Text: Latin
Subject: Motets, Sacred music
Original Title: [title page (T), printed in red:] CARMINA VERE | DIVINA, A PRÆSTANTISSIMIS | ARTIFICIBVS AD SINGVLA | [black:] Anni Festa quinq[ue] uocibus sic composita, ut plane appare- | at impetum illum Musicum sedibus æthereis ueni- | re excellentibus ingenijs. | [red:] Prorsus noua & hactenus non edita in lucem | proferimus. Eme & fruere lætus. | [black:] TENOR [within an ornamental border that includes the date 1546] | [red:] Norimbergæ in officina Ioannis Montani, | & Vlrici Neuberi, Anno M. D. L.
Variant title on source: [title page (other parts):] SELECTISSIMARVM | CANTIONVM DE PRÆCIPVIS | SANCTORVM DEI DOME= | sticorum Festis, quinq[ue] uocibus Harmo- | niacis illustratarum | [indication of parts within an ornamental border] | NOREMBERGÆ | Anno M. D. L.
Source type
Source type: Print
Content type: Notated music
Publishing, printing and production information
Place: Norimbergæ [Nürnberg]
Publisher, copyist: in officina Ioannis Montani, | & Vlrici Neuberi
Format, extent: 5 parts
Dimensions: printed area, title page (T): 10,1 x 13,6 cm; printed area, title page (S): 9 x 14,7 cm; printed area, music: 10 x 15 cm
Book format: 4°
Printing technique: Typography
Parts held and extent: S, A, T, B, Vag: 30, 31, 32, 30, 31 f.
Total content of the tenor part book: f. AAa1r title page; f. AAa1v blank; f. AAa2r-3r dedication in Latin verse headed "REVERENDIS, ET CVM MAIORVM | IMAGINIBVS, TVM INGENII | præstantia ac multiplicibus dotibus, illustribus uiris ac dominis: D. | IOANNI À PETRA summæ apud Treuiros Ecclesiæ Archidiacono principi, uetustissimiq[ue] Tre= | uirorum coenobij ad S. Maximinum in administratione coadiutori: ac D. BARTHOLO | MAEO à Petra eiusdem Cathedralis Basilicæ Canonico: Domino item MICA= | ELI ex eadem honestissima familia prognato: tribus germanis fratribus, | singulari uirtute præstantissimis: dominis ac mæcenatibus suis S." (signed "In die S. Mathiæ Apo= | stoli Anni Iubilæi. Gaspar Bruschi= | us Poëta Lau | reatus."; f. AAa3v table of contents (in alphabetical order); then music (17 pieces); at the end colophon.; Total content of the other parts: f. 1r title page; f. 1v blank; f. 2r table of contents (in alphabetical order); then music (17 pieces); at the end colophon.
Format, extent: 5 parts
Colophon: Impressum Norimbergæ in officina Ioannis | Montani & Vlrici Neuberi, Anno | Domini M. D. L.
Notes: The complete title appears only in the tenor part book.
RISM series: B/I 15502
Source of description note: D-HAu Ed 1147
Bibliographic reference:
C 1188
no. 25
- Lupi, Johannes: Pastores loquebantur ad invicem - V (5)
- Pionnier, Johannes: Lapidabunt Stephanum invocantem - V (5)
- Anonymus: Valde admirandus est beatus Joannes - V (5)
- Pionnier, Johannes: Interrogabat magos Herodes - V (5)
- Layolle, Francesco de: Homo erat in Jerusalem - V (5)
- Phinot, Dominique: Missus est Gabriel Angelus - V (5)
- Anonymus: Tulerunt Dominum meum - V (5)
- Crecquillon, Thomas: Philippe qui vedet me alleluia - V (5)
- Jachet de Mantua: Recumbentibus undecim discipulis - V (5)
- Arcadelt, Jacques: Dum complerentur dies Pentecostes - V (5)
- Cadéac, Pierre: In Trinitate o fideles confidamus - V (5)
- Jachet de Mantua: Ingresso Zaharia templum Domini - V (5)
- Gombert, Nicolas: Surge Petre, et indue vestimentis tuis - V (5)
- Crecquillon, Thomas: Laudem dicite Deo nostro - V (5)
- Bastard, Jean: Ambulans Jesus iuxta mare Galilae - V (5)
- Maessens, Pieter: In dedicatione huius templi - V (5)
- Sermisy, Claudin de: Laudate Dominum omnes gentes - V (5)
D-HAu , Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Sachsen-Anhalt Ed 1147
Library (siglum):
Feste beigefarbene Ledereinbände. Auf Vorder- und Rückdeckel sind Ausschnitte aus alten Handschriften aufgeklebt.
Material held: complete
Bound with: 1001098247
Department: Historische Sammlungen
Provenance: In allen Stimmbüchern blauer Rundstempel auf der Rückseite des Titelblatts: "Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek | Halle/S."
Parts: 5 parts
Format: 15,4 x 21 cm
Material held: complete
Bound with: 1001098247
Department: Historische Sammlungen
Provenance: In allen Stimmbüchern blauer Rundstempel auf der Rückseite des Titelblatts: "Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek | Halle/S."
Parts: 5 parts
Format: 15,4 x 21 cm
D-HB , Stadtbücherei, Musiksammlung [no indication]
Library (siglum):
D-Rp , Bischöfliche Zentralbibliothek, Proskesche Musikabteilung [no indication]
Library (siglum):
Material held:
F-VE , Bibliothèque municipale Louis-Garret [no indication]
Library (siglum):
Material held:
PL-Kj , Biblioteka Jagiellońska Mus.ant.pract. B 426
Library (siglum):
Material held:
5 parts: S, A, T, B, Vag
Notes: CARMINA VERE | DIVINA, A PRAESTANTISSIMIS | ARTIFICIBVS AD SINGVLA | Anni Festa quinq; uocibus sic composita, ut plane appare-|at impetum illum Musicum sedibus aethereis ueni-|re excellentibus ingenijs. | Prorsus noua & hactenus non edita in lucem | proferimus. Eme & fruere laetus. | 1546 | TENOR | Norimbergae in officina Ioannis Montani, | & Vlrici Neuberi, Anno M. D. L. [at the end of Tenor:] Impressum Norimbergae in officina Ioannis | Montani, & Vlrici Neuber, Anno | Domini M. D. L. [in Discantus, Altus, Bassus, Vagans - another title page:] SELECTISSIMARVM | CANTIONVM DE PRAECIPVIS | SANCTORVM DEI DOME-|sticorum Festis, quinq; uocibus Harmo-|niacis illustratarum | DISCANTVS | NOREMBERGAE | Anno M. D. L.; Contains: 1 piece by Archadelt; 1 piece by Bastart; 1 piece by Cadeac; 1 piece by Claudin; 2 pieces by Creqvillon; 1 piece by Gombert; 2 pieces by Iachet; 1 piece by F. de Layolle; 1 piece by Lupi; 1 piece by Petrus Messens; 1 piece by Phinot; 2 pieces by Pionier; 2 pieces by Anonymi.
Notes: CARMINA VERE | DIVINA, A PRAESTANTISSIMIS | ARTIFICIBVS AD SINGVLA | Anni Festa quinq; uocibus sic composita, ut plane appare-|at impetum illum Musicum sedibus aethereis ueni-|re excellentibus ingenijs. | Prorsus noua & hactenus non edita in lucem | proferimus. Eme & fruere laetus. | 1546 | TENOR | Norimbergae in officina Ioannis Montani, | & Vlrici Neuberi, Anno M. D. L. [at the end of Tenor:] Impressum Norimbergae in officina Ioannis | Montani, & Vlrici Neuber, Anno | Domini M. D. L. [in Discantus, Altus, Bassus, Vagans - another title page:] SELECTISSIMARVM | CANTIONVM DE PRAECIPVIS | SANCTORVM DEI DOME-|sticorum Festis, quinq; uocibus Harmo-|niacis illustratarum | DISCANTVS | NOREMBERGAE | Anno M. D. L.; Contains: 1 piece by Archadelt; 1 piece by Bastart; 1 piece by Cadeac; 1 piece by Claudin; 2 pieces by Creqvillon; 1 piece by Gombert; 2 pieces by Iachet; 1 piece by F. de Layolle; 1 piece by Lupi; 1 piece by Petrus Messens; 1 piece by Phinot; 2 pieces by Pionier; 2 pieces by Anonymi.
S-Sk , Kungliga biblioteket [no indication]
Library (siglum):
Material held:
RISM ID no.: 993104631
Last update: June 11, 2023
Last update: June 11, 2023