Scoring summary: V (5)
Subject: Motets
Original Title: CANTUS | IL TERZO LIBRO | DI MOTETTI A CINQUE VOCI DI | Cipriano de Rore, & de altri eccellentissimi Musici, novamen | te ristampato, con una buona gionta de Motetti novi. | A CINQUE [printer’s mark] VOCI | In Venetia appresso de | Antonio Gardane. | 1549
  • Source type
    Source type: Print
    Content type: Notated music
    Publishing, printing and production information
    Place: Venezia
    Publisher, copyist: Antonio Gardane
Scoring: S, A, T, B, 5
Notes: 5 vols., each of 20 fols.
The title page of the bassus part book has the same wording as the others, but the words are spaced slightly differently.
Fol. A2 = p. 1.
On p. 38 of each part book: table of contents.
For further information, see EitnerB 1877, and LewisG 1988.
A first volume of motets a 5 mentioning Rore in the title appeared as 15446; see there for a possible second volume.
Thirteen of the eighteen motets in 15497 also appear in 15498.
RISM series: B/I 15498
Bibliographic reference: 1549c no. 134
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Library (siglum):
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Material held: 5
Library (siglum):
Material held: kpl.: S, A, T, B, 5
Notes: CANTVS | IL TERZO LIBRO | DI MOTETTI A CINQVE VOCI DI | Cipriano de Rore, & de altri eccellentißimi Musici, nouamen=|te ristampato, con una buona gionta de Motetti noui. | A CINQVE VOCI | In Venetia appreßo de | Antonio Gardane. | 1549.; Contains: 1 piece by Adriano; 1 piece by Iosquin Baston; 1 piece by Claudin; 1 piece by Clemens non Papa; 2 pieces by Crechillon; 4 pieces by Iacquet; 1 piece by Glouen Nasco; 1 piece by Perissone [Cambio];1 piece by Cipriano Rore; 1 piece by Henricus Scaffen [=Schaffen]; 1 piece by Francesco de la Viola; 1 piece by Iosephus Zarlinus; 1 piece by an Anonymus.
Library (siglum):
Material held: A5
RISM ID no.: 993104614
Last update: April 2, 2024