Scoring summary: lute
Subject: Instrumental pieces
Original Title: INTABOLATURA | DE LAUTO | DI M. FRANCESCO MILANESE | ET M . PERINO FIORENTINO | Suo Discipulo Di Recercate Madrigali, & Canzone Francese | Novamente Ristampata & corretta. | LIBRO [printer's mark] TERZO | In Venetia Apresso di | Antonio Gardane | M. D. XLVII.
  • Source type
    Source type: Print
    Content type: Notated music
    Publishing, printing and production information
    Place: Venezia
    Publisher, copyist: Antonio Gardane
Scoring: lute
Notes: 24 fols.
Italian lute tablature. All the compositions are for solo lute.
On fol. 24v: table of contents.
Contents = 156223, 156322, and probably 156628, which survives only a fragment.
For a summary of other volumes of lute music by Francesco da Milano published by Gardane, and their later reprints, see the description of 154627.
For further information, see BrownM 1965.
RISM series: B/I 154721
Bibliographic reference: 1547|2 no. 114
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RISM ID no.: 993104519
Last update: April 8, 2024