Scoring summary: V (X)
Subject: Sacred songs
Original Title: TENOR. | CONCENTUS OCTO, SEX, QUINQUE | & quatuor vocum, omnium iucundissimi | nuspiam antea sic aediti. | Lusit Jópas, sic Amphion, Arion & Orpheus. | Flectentes saltus, flumina saxa feras. | [woodcut] | Cum Gratia & Privilegio Caesareae | & Regiae Maiestatis. | AUGUSTAE VINDELICORUM | Philippus Ulhardus excudebat, | Anno. M. D. XLV.
  • Source type
    Source type: Print
    Content type: Notated music
    Publishing, printing and production information
    Place: Augsburg
    Publisher, copyist: Philipp Ulhart
    Format, extent: 4 parts
    Parts held and extent: S, A, T, B: 44, 40, 40, 40 f.
Scoring: S, A, T, B
Notes: The complete title page appears only in the tenor part book; the others read “DISCANTUS (ALTUS, BASSUS). / OCTO, SEX, QUINQUE / ET QUATUOR / VOCUM. / Lusit Jópas, sic Amphion, Arion & Orpheus. / Flectentes saltus, flumina saxa feras. / [woodcut].”
On fol. 1v of the tenor part book: poem in Latin headed “PRO SIGISMUNDO SAL/blingero ad Musicae artis studiosos Hexa/stichon, Andreas Rosetus.” On fol. 2 of the tenor part book: dedication headed “NOBILIBUS MAGNIFICIS AC PRUDENTIBUS / viris. Dominis Consulibus & Magistratui Liberae & Percelebris / Augustae Vindelicorum Reipub: dominis / beneficentissimis. S.,” signed and dated on fol. 2v “die 1. Junii. Anno. 1545. / Vestrarum magnificentiarum / Deditissimus / Sigismundus Salblinger Musicus.” On fol. 3 of the tenor part book: poem in Latin headed “IN LAUDEM MUSICES / AD SIGISMUNDUM SALBLINGER / Hieronymi Ziegleri / Carmen.” On fol. 3v-4v of the tenor part book: poem in Latin headed “MELCHIORIS SCHERRERII, AUGUSTANAE / Reipub: Scribae in Salblingerias cantiones Epigramma.”, On fol. 1v of the discantus, altus and bassus part books: table of contents. On the last page of each part book: the legend “Hisce Sigismundus claris insignibus auctus / Salblinger, patriam signat utramque color. / [coat of arms].”
Foliation and attributions are taken from the tenor part book.
For further information, see EitnerB 1877.
RISM series: B/I 15452
Bibliographic reference: 1545
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RISM ID no.: 993104441
Last update: April 15, 2024