Scoring summary: V (4)
Subject: Chansons
Original Title: LE PARANGON DES CHANSONS | Dixiesme livre contenant .xxx. Chansons nouvelles au | singulier prouffit: & delectation des Musiciens Imprime | nouvellement a Lyon par Jacques Moderne dict grand | Jaques pres nostre dame de Confort. 1543. | [printer’s mark] | [table of contents]
  • Source type
    Source type: Print
    Content type: Notated music
    Publishing, printing and production information
    Place: Lyon
    Publisher, copyist: Jacques Moderne
    Format, extent: 1 choirbook: 32 f.
Scoring: S, A, T, B
Notes: 32 fols. S and B are printed right side up, A and T upside down, so that singers sitting opposite each other at a table can read the music from the same book.
On the title page: table of contents.
For further information, see EitnerB 1877, PogueM 1969, and DobbinsM 1974. For a summary of other volumes in the series Le Parangon des Chansons, see the description of [1538]15.
RISM series: B/I 154314
Source of description note: D-Mbs 4 182#Beibd.9
Bibliographic reference: 1543k no. 38
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RISM ID no.: 993104358
Last update: June 11, 2023