Scoring summary: V (5)
Subject: Motets
Original Title: TENOR | Cantiones quinque vocum selectissimae, a primariis (Germnaiae [sic] inferioris, | Galliae, & Italiae) musices magistris editae. Ante hac typis | nondum divulgatae. Numero vigintiocto. | Mutetarum liber primus.
Source type
Source type: Print
Content type: Notated music
Publishing, printing and production information
Place: Strasbourg
Publisher, copyist: Peter Schoeffer
Book format: 4°
Scoring: V (5)
Notes: 5 vols., each of 40 fols.
The full title appears only in the tenor part book; the others have merely the name of the voice part, and the heading “Mutetarum liber primus.”
On fols. Aa1v - Aa2 of the superius part book: table of contents.
On fols. A1v-A2 of the tenor book: printer’s privilege from Archduke Ferdinand.
On fol. K3 of the tenor part book: colophon reading “Argentorati apud Petrum schoeffer. Mense Augusto, anno / M. D. XXXIX.”
On fol. aa1v of the bass part book: dedication headed “PRAESTANTISSIMO VIRO D. ULRICHO / Varenbulero Imperialis judicii Vicecancellario, D. & patrono / suo eximio, Petrus Schefferus. S. D.”
Attributions appear in the superius part book only.
No other volumes are known to have existed in this series.
For further information, see EitnerB 1877.
The full title appears only in the tenor part book; the others have merely the name of the voice part, and the heading “Mutetarum liber primus.”
On fols. Aa1v - Aa2 of the superius part book: table of contents.
On fols. A1v-A2 of the tenor book: printer’s privilege from Archduke Ferdinand.
On fol. K3 of the tenor part book: colophon reading “Argentorati apud Petrum schoeffer. Mense Augusto, anno / M. D. XXXIX.”
On fol. aa1v of the bass part book: dedication headed “PRAESTANTISSIMO VIRO D. ULRICHO / Varenbulero Imperialis judicii Vicecancellario, D. & patrono / suo eximio, Petrus Schefferus. S. D.”
Attributions appear in the superius part book only.
No other volumes are known to have existed in this series.
For further information, see EitnerB 1877.
RISM series: B/I 15398
Bibliographic reference:
p. 144
VD16 ZV 25994
- Maistre Jhan: Pater noster
- Gombert, Nicolas: Emendemus in melius
- Gombert, Nicolas: Inviolata integra et casta es Maria
- Conseil, Jean: Dominator coelorum & terrae creator /
- Anonymus: Mirabile misterium declaratur hodie
- Gombert, Nicolas: Audi filia et vide
- Willaert, Adrian: Congratulamini mihi omnes
- Cadéac, Pierre: Salus populi ego sum - V (5)
- Jachet de Mantua: Salvum me fac Domine
- Gombert, Nicolas: Hic est discipulus ille
- Silva, Andreas de: Nigra sum sed formosa
- Lupi, Johannes: Apparens Christus post passionem suam
- Gombert, Nicolas: Tu deus noster suavis
- Jachet de Mantua: In te Domine speravi
- Phinot, Dominique: Exurge quare obdormis domine
- Simon Ferrariensis: Ave et gaude gloriosa virgo
- Sarton, Jehan: Hec dies quam fecit dominus
- Billon, Jhan de: Post quam impleti sunt dies
- Jachet de Mantua: In die tribulationis mee
- Gombert, Nicolas: Veni electa mea, et ponam in te
- Willaert, Adrian: Laetare sancta mater ecclesia
- Willaert, Adrian: Peccavi super numerum arenae maris /
- Gombert, Nicolas: Da pacem Domine
- Verdelot, Philippe: Si bona suscepimus
- Gombert, Nicolas: Venite ad me omnes qui laboratis
- Lupi, Johannes: Vidi speciosam sicut columbam
- Gombert, Nicolas: Laus Deo, pax vivis
- Arcadelt, Jacques: Dum complerentur dies Pentecostes - V (5)
, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek 48
D-As , Staats- und Stadtbibliothek Tonk Schl 420-424
Library (siglum):
D-B , Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin - Preußischer Kulturbesitz, Musikabteilung [no indication]
Library (siglum):
Material held:
D-HB , Stadtbücherei, Musiksammlung [no indication]
Library (siglum):
Material held:
D-Ju , Thüringer Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek 4 Mus.5a-d(2)
Library (siglum):
Material held:
missing 5
, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek 48
Library (siglum):
D-Tu , Universitätsbibliothek der Eberhard Karls Universität De 17.4-OR
Library (siglum):
Material held:
I-Bc , Museo internazionale e biblioteca della musica di Bologna [no indication]
Library (siglum):
I-VEaf , Biblioteca dell'Accademia Filarmonica di Verona [no indication]
Library (siglum):
RISM ID no.: 993104262
Last update: January 7, 2025
Last update: January 7, 2025