Scoring summary: V (5), V (6)
Subject: Motets
Original Title: SUPERIUS. | QUARTUS LIBER MOTTETORUM AD QUINQUE ET SEX VOCES. | Opera ac solertia Jacobi Moderni, alias dicti Grand Jaques, in unum coactorum | & Lugduni prope phanum divae virginis de Confort, ab eodum Impressorum. | M. D. XXXIX. | [table of contents and printer’s mark]
  • Source type
    Source type: Print
    Content type: Notated music
    Publishing, printing and production information
    Place: Lyon
    Publisher, copyist: Jacques Moderne
    Format, extent: 4 parts
    Printing technique: Typography
Notes: 4 vols., SA of 28 fols., T of 32 fols., and B of 24 fols.
On the title page of each part book: table of contents.
On p. 55 of the superius part book: colophon reading ‘Explicit Liber Quartus. / Impressum Lugduni per Jacobum Modernum / Anno domini. M. D. XXXIX.” The colophon in the other part books reads simply: “Explicit Liber Quartus.”
For other volumes in the same series, see the description of 153210.
For further information, see EitnerB 1877, and PogueM 1969.
All the compositions are a 5, except nos. 27 and 28, which are a 6.
RISM series: B/I 15395
Source of description note: D-Mbs 4 163#Beibd.2
Bibliographic reference: 1539d no. 19
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Library (siglum):
Library (siglum):
Material held: A
Library (siglum):
Material held: kpl.: S, A, T, B
Notes: SVPERIVS. | QVARTVS LIBER MOTTETORVM AD QVINQVE ET SEX VOCES. | Opera ac solertia Iacobi Moderni/ alias dicti Grand Iaques/ in vnvm coactorum | & Lugduni prope phanum diuae virginis de Confort/ ab eodem Impressorum. | M.D.XXXIX. [...] | [at the end of the volume:] Explicit Liber Quartus. | Impressum Lugduni per Iacobum Modernum | Anno domini. M.D.XXXIX.; Contains: 1 piece by Archadelt; 1 piece by Io. du Bilion; 1 piece by Ia. Buus; 2 pieces by N. Fouchier; 1 piece by Gardane; 6 pieces by N. Gombert; 1 piece by Gosse; 2 pieces by Iaquet; 2 pieces by M. Ihean; 4 pieces by F. de Layolle; 2 pieces by Lheritier; 1 piece by Lupi; 2 pieces by P. Manchicourt; 1 piece by Io. du Moulin; 1 piece by an Anonymus.
RISM ID no.: 993104256
Last update: May 27, 2024