Composer cross-reference:
Scoring summary: V (4)
Subject: Madrigals
Source type
Source type: Print
Content type: Notated music
Publishing, printing and production information
Place: Venezia
Publisher, copyist: Antonio Gardane
Scoring: V (4)
Notes: 4 vols., each of 16 fols.
The complete title page appears only in the superius part book; the others read “ALTUS (TENOR, BASSUS) / [printer’s mark] / CON GRATIA ET PRIVILEGIO.”
On fol. 1v of the altus, tenor, and bassus part books: table of contents.
On fol. 2 of each part book: dedication headed “AL MAGNIFI. M. NICOLO ALBERTO. / ANTONIO GARDANE.”
Fol. 2v = p. 1.
Colophon on p. 29 of each part book: “IN VENETIA NELLA STAMPA D’ANTONIO GARDANE. / Nell anno del Signore M. D. XXXIX. Ne Mese di Febraro. / [printer’s mark] / CON GRATIA ET PRIVILEGIO.”
For further information, see Vogel Arcadelt 31, VogelB 1977 and CMM 31, which includes a modern edition of most of the collection.
For other editions of Arcadelt’s second book of madrigals a 4, see [c.1537]6, and 154110a (= 154319b, 155221, and 156015).
For a summary of Arcadelt’s other collections of madrigals a 4, see the description of 153922.
The complete title page appears only in the superius part book; the others read “ALTUS (TENOR, BASSUS) / [printer’s mark] / CON GRATIA ET PRIVILEGIO.”
On fol. 1v of the altus, tenor, and bassus part books: table of contents.
On fol. 2 of each part book: dedication headed “AL MAGNIFI. M. NICOLO ALBERTO. / ANTONIO GARDANE.”
Fol. 2v = p. 1.
Colophon on p. 29 of each part book: “IN VENETIA NELLA STAMPA D’ANTONIO GARDANE. / Nell anno del Signore M. D. XXXIX. Ne Mese di Febraro. / [printer’s mark] / CON GRATIA ET PRIVILEGIO.”
For further information, see Vogel Arcadelt 31, VogelB 1977 and CMM 31, which includes a modern edition of most of the collection.
For other editions of Arcadelt’s second book of madrigals a 4, see [c.1537]6, and 154110a (= 154319b, 155221, and 156015).
For a summary of Arcadelt’s other collections of madrigals a 4, see the description of 153922.
RISM series: A/I A 1369
Local number: deest
Bibliographic reference:
no. 151
vol. 3
- Arcadelt, Jacques: Piú non sento’l mio duol
- Arcadelt, Jacques: Io mi rivolgo indietro a ciascun passo
- Arcadelt, Jacques: Io non vo già per voi donna morire
- Arcadelt, Jacques: Deh fuggite o mortali
- Arcadelt, Jacques: Dolci parole morte anch’io son morto
- Arcadelt, Jacques: Hor che più far potete donna
- Arcadelt, Jacques: Si come’l sol da luce all’altre stelle
- Arcadelt, Jacques: Se’l superchio splendore
- Arcadelt, Jacques: Charissima Isabella il vincer l’altre di belta ...
- Arcadelt, Jacques: Del più leggiadro viso
- Arcadelt, Jacques: Quanto dolc’è’l conforto
- Arcadelt, Jacques: Com’esser puo ch’io viva
- Arcadelt, Jacques: Quando tal volta fra perle et viole
- Arcadelt, Jacques: Se io pensasse che morte un tal dolore
- Corteccia, Francesco: Lasso, dove son io? Ohime
- Arcadelt, Jacques: Voi non m’amat’et io pur troppo v’amo
- Arcadelt, Jacques: Se per amar vostra beltà infinita
- Arcadelt, Jacques: Deh sarà mai spiriti miei gia lassi
- Arcadelt, Jacques: Viva nel pensier vostro il bel desio
- Corteccia, Francesco: Non so per qual cagion l’alma mia donna
- Arcadelt, Jacques: Puro ciel Phyllid’è quella tua fronte
- Layolle, Francesco de: Io son dell’aspettar omai si vinto
- Arcadelt, Jacques: Desio perchè mi meni?
- Arcadelt, Jacques: Donna quando pietosa
- Arcadelt, Jacques: Non prima l’aurora
- Arcadelt, Jacques: Alma mia luce pura
- Arcadelt, Jacques: Da si felice sorte
- Arcadelt, Jacques: Se’l volto donna di morte dipinto
- Layolle, Francesco de: Amor la tua virtute non è del mondo
, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek 4 95#Beibd.1
, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek 4 95#Beibd.1
Library (siglum):
Watermark description:
[anchor in circle with star - countermark:] 3P [with cross]
Local number: deest
External Links: Wasserzeichen, Wasserzeichen (Gegenmarke)
Local number: deest
External Links: Wasserzeichen, Wasserzeichen (Gegenmarke)
I-Bc , Museo internazionale e biblioteca della musica di Bologna R.53
Library (siglum):
I-Vnm , Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana Mus. 365-367
Library (siglum):
Material held:
Local number: deest
Local number: deest
RISM ID no.: 993104246
Last update: October 28, 2024
Last update: October 28, 2024