Scoring summary: V (4)
Subject: Motets
Original Title: SUPERIUS. | Tertius Liber cum Quatuor | vocibus. | [Cut of a thistle] | MOTTETI DEL FIORE.
  • Source type
    Source type: Print
    Content type: Notated music
    Publishing, printing and production information
    Place: Lyon
    Publisher, copyist: Jacques Moderne
  • Source type
    Source type: Print
    Content type: Notated music
    Publishing, printing and production information
    Place: Lyon
    Publisher, copyist: Jacques Moderne
Scoring: V (4)
Notes: 4 fols., each of 28 fols.
On the verso of the title page of each part book: table of contents.
On p. 56 of the superius part book: colophon reading “Explicit Liber Tertius. Impressum Lugduni per Jacobum Modernum de Pinguento. Anno domini. M. D. XXXIX.” The other part books have colophons on the last page reading simply “Explicit Liber Tertius.”
For further information, see EitnerB 1877, and PogueM 1969.
RISM series: B/I 153910
Bibliographic reference: 1539b no. 17
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Notes: SVPERIVS. | Tertius Liber cum Quatuor | vocibus. | MOTTETI DEL FIORE. [at the end of the volume:] Impressum Lugduni per Iacobum Modernum de Pinguento. | Anno domini. M.D.XXXIX.; Contains: 1 piece by Archadelt; 1 piece by Hotinet Bara; 1 piece by Benedictus; 1 piece by Io. du Billon; 2 pieces by Carette; 2 pieces by Consilium [= J. Conseil]; 1 piece by C. Dalbi; 3 pieces by N. Fouchier; 1 piece by H. Fresneau; 1 piece by Gardane; 2 pieces by N. Gombert; 1 piece by Hugier; 1 piece by Iaquet; 4 pieces by F. de Layolle; 2 pieces by Lheritier; 1 piece by Lupus; 1 piece by F. de Lys; 1 piece by P. Manchicourt; 1 piece by A. Mornable; 3 pieces by Pieton; 1 piece by A. Villart; 2 pieces by P. de Villiers; 2 pieces by Anonymi.
RISM ID no.: 993104231
Last update: May 27, 2024