Scoring summary: V (5)
Subject: Motets
  • Source type
    Source type: Print
    Content type: Notated music
    Publishing, printing and production information
    Place: Venezia
    Publisher, copyist: Antonio Gardane
    Format, extent: 5 parts
Scoring: V (5)
Notes: 5 vols., SAT5 of 16 fols., and B of 18 fols.
The title page of the altus part book reads “QUIQUE” in place of “QUINQUE.” The quinta pars adds on the fourth line of the title page the words “CUM GRATIA & [cut of some fruit] PRIVILEGIO.”
On p. 32 of the altus part book: colophon reading “IN VINETIA NE LA STAMPA D’ANTONIO GARDANE, / nel’anno del Signore. M. D. XXXVIII. del mese di Settembre. / [printer’s mark] / CON GRATIA ET PRIVILEGIO.”; almost the same colophon (with the word “Del” inserted before the year, and an upper-case D in “Del mese di Settembre”) appears on p. 32 of the quinta pars.
On p. *2 of the bass part book: table of contents. On p. *3 of the bass part book: dedication headed “AL M. S. M. FRANCESCO PALAVICINO, / ANTONIO GARDANE.”
For further information, see EitnerB 1877, and LewisG 1988.
All compositions are a 5.
Gardane published three volumes of Mottetti del frutto: Book I a 4 (153913, reprinted by Gardane as 154910, and by Scotto as 154910a and 15622); Book I a 5 (15384, reprinted by Gardane as 15495, and by Scotto as 15494) and Book I a 6 (15393, reprinted by Gardane as 15492).
Record enhanced based on details from Early Music Online.
Contents note: In die tribulationis mee / Iachet - Repleatur os meu[m] / Iachet -- Pater peccaui in celu[m] (secunda pars: Quanti mercenarii) / Dominicvs Finot -- Locutus est dominus (secunda pars: Stetit moyses coram pharaone) / Iachet -- Hic est discipulus ille (secunda pars: Et uox clara intonuit) / N. Gombert -- Adoremus rege[m] magnum (secunda pars: O quanta e[st] exultatio) / Lupi - Stirps iesse uirga[m] (secunda pars: Virgo dei genitrix) / Lupi -- Saluu[m] me fac domine (secunda pars: Veni in altituin[em]) / Iachet -- Spiritus meus attenuabitur (secunda pars: Si sustinuero in fernus) / Dominicvs Finot -- Ne derelinquas me / Do. Finot -- Exurge quare ob dormis (secunda pars: Scia[n]t ge[n]tes) / Do. Finot -- Sancta dei genetrix (Hec est regina uirginum) / Lupi - Respice domine in testamentu[m] (secunda pars: Respice domine & miserere / Gombert -- Nunqua[m] super terra[m] / Iachet -- Tribulatio cordis mei / N. Gombert -- Sancta & immaculata uirginitas (secunda pars: Que est ista que processit) / N. Gombert -- Dum co[m]plere[n]tur dies (secunda pars: Facta aut[em] hac) / Antonius Gardane.
RISM series: B/I 15384
External Links: Early Music Online
Bibliographic reference: 1538d no. 1
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Watermark description: 1) [anchor in circle with star - countermark:] 3P [with cross]; 2) [cardinal’s hat - countermark:] DC [with flower]; 3) [cardinal's hat - countermark:] B
External Links: Wasserzeichen 1, Wasserzeichen 1 (Gegenmarke), Wasserzeichen 2, Wasserzeichen 2 (Gegenmarke), Wasserzeichen 3, Wasserzeichen 3 (Gegenmarke)

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Material held: S
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Material held: kpl.: S, A, T, B, 5
Notes: CANTVS.| PRIMVS LIBER CVM QVINQVE | VOCIBVS. | MOTTETTI DEL FRVTTO. [at the end of Qvinta Pars:] IN VINETIA NE LA STAMPA D' ANTONIO GARDANE, | ne l' anno del Signore. Del M. D. XXXVIII. Del mese di Settembre. | CON GRATIA ET PRIVILEGIO.; Contains: 4 pieces by D. Finot; 1 piece by Antonius Gardane; 4 pieces by Gombert, 5 pieces by Iachet; 3 pieces by Lupi.
Library (siglum):
Material held: S, A, T, B, 5
Provenance: "Ex Biblioth. Regia Berolinensi"
RISM ID no.: 993104216
Last update: May 27, 2024