Scoring summary: V (X)
Subject: Sacred songs
Original Title: Liber septimus. xxiiii. trium, quatuor, quinque, sex ve | vocum modulos dominici adventus, nativitatisque eius, ac | sanctorum eo tempore occurrentium habet. ut presens index | tibi commonstrat | [table of contents] | Et quia O sapientia cetereque huiusmodi antiphone propriis carent Magnificat, tibi opus erit recursu | ad quintum librum motetorum in quo quatuor secundi toni Magnificat quod pro libito tibi canenda erunt: reperies | Superius | Parisiis in vico cithare apud Petrum Attaingnant musice calcographum. | Cum privilegio regio ad sexennium.
  • Source type
    Source type: Print
    Content type: Notated music
    Publishing, printing and production information
    Place: Paris
    Publisher, copyist: Pierre Attaingnant
  • Source type
    Source type: Print
    Content type: Notated music
    Publishing, printing and production information
    Place: Paris
    Publisher, copyist: Pierre Attaingnant
Notes: 4 vols., each of 16 fols.
On the title page of each part book: table of contents.
The title page of the contratenor part book is dated "Mense Novemb. 1534."
A modern edition of the complete anthology appears in Smijers/Merritt 1934, vol. 7.
For a summary of the other volumes of motets published by Attaingnant in this series, see the description of 15343.
RISM series: B/I 15349
Bibliographic reference: 1534h no. 56 no. 8
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RISM ID no.: 993104120
Last update: June 17, 2024