Composer cross-reference:
Scoring summary: V (4)
Subject: Madrigals
Original Title: Del primo libro de Madrigali di Verdelotto. | B [On the last folio: printer's mark and colophon reading "Finiscono li Madrigali de Verdelot. Stampati novamente in Vinegia per Zovan Antonio [Nicolini] et i fratelli da Sabio. Ad instantia de li Scotti et per Andrea Anticho da Montona intagliati et con somma diligentia corretti. Con gratia et privilegio. 1533."]
  • Source type
    Source type: Print
    Content type: Notated music
    Publishing, printing and production information
    Place: Venezia
    Publisher, copyist: Andrea Antico
    Format, extent: 4 parts
Provenance note: (olim Thibault)
Notes: This record was merged with RISM ID no. 990066233
Only the Bassus part book (of 16 fols.) remains from an original set of four.
For further information, see VogelB 1977, which erroneously states that GB-Lbl owns an altus part book from this edition (it is actually from 15379).
Contents = 15379.
Three volumes of madrigals a-4 by Verdelot (including some works by other composers) were published in the sixteenth century: Bk. I (15332 and 15379); Bk. II (153416, 15367, and 153710); and Bk. III (153711). The madrigals of Books I and II (plus some others) were combined into one anthology and reprinted (with changes and additions) a number of times during the century; see 154020, 154118, 154418, 154519, 154933, 155226, 155533, 155627, 155726, 156520, and 156622. For a summary of Verdelot's madrigals a-5, see the description of 153820; on his madrigals a-6, see the description of 154116.
RISM series: B/I 15332, A/I V 1218; VV 1218
Source of description note: F-Pn
Bibliographic reference: no. 69 no. 2866
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Library (siglum):
Material held: 1 part: B
Provenance: (olim Thibault)
RISM ID no.: 993104089
Last update: November 17, 2023