Scoring summary: V (5)
Subject: Sacred songs
Original Title: SUPERIUS. | SECUNDUS LIBER CUM QUINQUE VOCIBUS. | INDEX. | [Table of contents]
Source type
Source type: Print
Content type: Notated music
Publishing, printing and production information
Place: Lyons
Publisher, copyist: Jacques Moderne
Format, extent: 4 parts
Printing technique: Typography
Scoring: V (5)
Notes: 4 vols., SAB of 28 fols., T of 44 fols.
On fol. 28v of the S part book: colophon reading "Explicit Liber Secundus. Impressum Lugduni per Jacobum Modernum de Pinguento. Anno.M.D.XXXII." On the last page of the other part books: colophon reading "Explicit Liber Secundus."
PogueM 1969, pp. 130-131, describes the differences between the copy in I:Rsc, dated 1532 but probably a slightly later issue, and the other copies.
For further information, see EitnerB 1877, and PogueM 1969.
For other volumes in the same series, see the description of 153210.
On fol. 28v of the S part book: colophon reading "Explicit Liber Secundus. Impressum Lugduni per Jacobum Modernum de Pinguento. Anno.M.D.XXXII." On the last page of the other part books: colophon reading "Explicit Liber Secundus."
PogueM 1969, pp. 130-131, describes the differences between the copy in I:Rsc, dated 1532 but probably a slightly later issue, and the other copies.
For further information, see EitnerB 1877, and PogueM 1969.
For other volumes in the same series, see the description of 153210.
RISM series: B/I 15329
Source of description note: D-Mbs 4 163
Bibliographic reference:
no. 6 and 7; p. 130-131
- Silva, Andreas de: Alma redemptoris mater - V (5)
- Jachet de Mantua: Aspice Domine - V (5)
- Courtois, Jean: Hij sancti quorum - V (5)
- Anonymus: Quem vidistis pastores - V (5)
- Gombert, Nicolas: Egregie martir - V (5)
- La Fage, Jean de: Super flumina Babilonis - V (5)
- Richafort, Jean: Salve regina - V (5)
- Willaert, Adrian: Ecce Dominus veniet - V (5)
- Courtois, Jean: Cantate Domino canticum novum - V (5)
- Lhéritier, Jean: Regnum mundi - V (5)
- Jachet de Mantua: Alma redemptoris mater - V (5)
- Richafort, Jean: Iam non dicam vos servos - V (5)
- Verdelot, Philippe: Recordare Domine - V (5)
- Hellinck, Lupus: In te Domine speravi - V (5)
- Gombert, Nicolas: Suscipe verbum - V (5)
- Gombert, Nicolas: Beati omnes qui timent Dominum - V (5)
- Moulu, Pierre: Vulnerasti cor meum - V (5)
- Verdelot, Philippe: Si bona suscepimus - V (5)
- Richafort, Jean: Misereatur mei omnipotens deus - V (5)
- Lhéritier, Jean: Alma redemptoris mater - V (5)
- Willaert, Adrian: Deus in nomine tuo salvum me fac - V (5)
- Richafort, Jean: Hierusalem luge - V (5)
- Willaert, Adrian: Ave Maria ancilla Sancte Trinitatis - V (5)
- Lhéritier, Jean: Nigra sum sed formosa - V (5)
, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek 4 163
United Kingdom
A-Wn , Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, Musiksammlung [no indication]
Library (siglum):
B-Br , Bibliothèque royale de Belgique (KBR) - Koninklijke Bibliotheek van België (KBR) [no indication]
Library (siglum):
Material held:
, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek 4 163
Library (siglum):
E-Mc , Biblioteca del Real Conservatorio Superior de Música de Madrid [no indication]
Library (siglum):
F-Pn , Bibliothèque nationale de France, Département de la Musique [no indication]
Library (siglum):
Material held:
GB-Ge , University Library, Euing Music Collection [no indication]
Library (siglum):
GB-Lbl , The British Library K.2.d.9
Library (siglum):
HR-Ssf , Samostan franjevaca konventualaca [no indication]
Library (siglum):
Material held:
I-Fr , Biblioteca Riccardiana [no indication]
Library (siglum):
Material held:
I-Rsc , Biblioteca del Conservatorio di Musica Santa Cecilia [no indication]
Library (siglum):
PL-Kj , Biblioteka Jagiellońska Mus.ant.pract. M 847
Library (siglum):
Bound together with Mus.ant.pract. M 845.
Material held: kpl.: S, A, T, B
Notes: SVPERIVS. | SECVNDVS LIBER CVM QVINQVE VOCIBVS. | [at the end of the volume:] Impressum Lugduni per Iacobum Modernum de Pinguento. | Anno. M.D.XXXII.; Contains: 2 pieces by Io. Courtois; 1 piece by La Fage; 3 pieces by Nicolaus Gombert; 2 pieces by Iacquet; 3 pieces by Lheritièr; 1 piece by Lupus; 1 piece by Petrus Moullu; 4 pieces by Richafort; 1 piece by Andreas de Silua; 2 pieces by Verdelot; 3 pieces by Adrianus Villart; 1 piece by an Anonymus.
Material held: kpl.: S, A, T, B
Notes: SVPERIVS. | SECVNDVS LIBER CVM QVINQVE VOCIBVS. | [at the end of the volume:] Impressum Lugduni per Iacobum Modernum de Pinguento. | Anno. M.D.XXXII.; Contains: 2 pieces by Io. Courtois; 1 piece by La Fage; 3 pieces by Nicolaus Gombert; 2 pieces by Iacquet; 3 pieces by Lheritièr; 1 piece by Lupus; 1 piece by Petrus Moullu; 4 pieces by Richafort; 1 piece by Andreas de Silua; 2 pieces by Verdelot; 3 pieces by Adrianus Villart; 1 piece by an Anonymus.
SI-Ka , Arhiv stolne župnije [no indication]
Library (siglum):
Material held:
(unclear sigla SI-Kk;
RISM ID no.: 993104083
Last update: June 19, 2024
Last update: June 19, 2024