Frottolas: 2-4 voces
Scoring summary: V (2), V (3), V (4)
Subject: Canzoni (voc.), Frottolas
Original Title: Canzoni Frottole & capitoli Da diversi | Eccellentissimi Musici, con novi Canzoni agionti composti | novamente & stampati Libro secondo de la | Croce. | [cut of a cross, followed by the table of contents]
  • Source type
    Source type: Print
    Content type: Notated music
    Publishing, printing and production information
    Place: Roma
    Publisher, copyist: Valerio Dorico
Notes: 48 fols.
On the title page: table of contents.
On fol. 48: device of Giunta, followed by the colophon reading "Impressum Rome, opera, arte & impensa Valerius Dorich Gedensis Brixiensis Anno Domini. 1531. die xvi. Septembris."
On fol. 48v: arms of Pope Clement VII.
For further information, see FenlonM 1988, ChapmanA 1964, no. 65; CusickD 1981, no. 11; JeppesenF 1968; and VogelV 1892.
For other volumes in the same series, see the description of 15266.
RISM series: B/I 15314
Bibliographic reference: no. 65 no. 11 vol. 1, p. 140 pp. 211-13 and 216-17 1531|1
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Czech Republic
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RISM ID no.: 993104052
Last update: July 11, 2024