Scoring summary: V (3), V (4)
Subject: Songs
Original Title: In this boke ar conteynyd.xx.songes.ix.of.iiii.partes, and.xi.of thre partes. | [table of contents] | Anno die mensis Octobris.
Source type
Source type: Print
Content type: Notated music
Publishing, printing and production information
Place: London
Publisher, copyist: [s.n.]
Format, extent: parts
Notes: Complete bass part book survives, along with fragments of two others (triplex and medius), from an original set of 4 vols.
The bass part book has 45 fols.
On the page before the title page: the part designation (Bassus, Medius, Triplex). The medius title page includes the information that the volumes were "Impryntyd in London at the signe of the black Morens," and the initials "TB" and "S."
The volumes were formerly thought to have been printed by Wynkyn de Worde, but John Milsom contends that they are related to the publisher John Rastell.
For further information, see BrownM 1965 and MilsomT 1992.
Record enhanced based on details from Early Music Online.
The bass part book has 45 fols.
On the page before the title page: the part designation (Bassus, Medius, Triplex). The medius title page includes the information that the volumes were "Impryntyd in London at the signe of the black Morens," and the initials "TB" and "S."
The volumes were formerly thought to have been printed by Wynkyn de Worde, but John Milsom contends that they are related to the publisher John Rastell.
For further information, see BrownM 1965 and MilsomT 1992.
Record enhanced based on details from Early Music Online.
Contents note: Pater noster [qui] es in celis / Cornyshe -- In youth in age both in welth and woo / Cowper -- By by lullaby rockyd I my chyld / Pygot -- Be war my lytyl fynger syr -- She may be callyd a sovra[n]t lady / Ashwell -- The bella we maydis beryth / Tavernar -- So gret unkyndnes wyth oute deservyng / docter Cowper -- Who shall have my fayr lady / R Jons [Index: Jones] -- Mynyon go trym -- Joly felowe yf thou have but lytyll mony -- And wyll ye serve me so for my kyndnes -- Mi hart my mynde a[n]d my hole poure / Taverner -- Love wyll I & leve so yt may befall / Master Taverner -- My love mournyth [Bassus begins: And I mankynd have not in mynd] / John gwynneth -- Pleasure yt ys to here I wys the byrds synge / Cornyshe -- Concordans musycall Judgyd by the ere of sy[gh]tys gydyng / Cornysh -- Min hartys lust & all my plesure ys gevyn / Fayrfax -- Fa la soll / Cornyshe -- Ut re my fa sol la / Fayrfax -- Ut re my fa sol la / Doctor Couper.
RISM series: B/I 15306
External Links: Early Music Online
Bibliographic reference:
- Cornysh, William: Pater noster qui es in celis
- Cowper, Robert: In youth in age both in welth and woo - a 3
- Pygott, Richard: By by lullaby rockyd I my chyld
- Anonymus: Be war my lytyl fynger - a 3
- Ashwell, Thomas: She may be callyd a soverant lady
- Taverner, John: The bella we maydins beryth
- Cowper, Robert: So gret unkyndnes wythoute deservying - a 3
- Jones, Robert: Who shall have my fayr lady - a 3
- Anonymus: Mynyon go trym - a 3
- Anonymus: Joly felowe joly - a 3
- Anonymus: And wyll ye serve me so - a 3
- Taverner, John: Mi hart my mynde and my hole poure - a 3
- Taverner, John: Love wyll I & leve so yt may befall - a 3
- Gwynneth, John: My love mournyth
- Cornysh, William: Pleasure yt ys to here I wys the byrds synge
- Cornysh, William: Concordans musycall jugyd by the ere - a 3
- Fayrfax, Robert: Min hartys lust & all my pleasure - a 3
- Cornysh, William: Fa la sol - a 3
- Fayrfax, Robert: Ut re my fa sol la
- Cowper, Robert: Ut re my fa sol la
United Kingdom
, The British Library K.1.e.1.
, The British Library K.1.e.1.
Library (siglum):
Material held:
(fol. 1 of triplex and complete bassus)
GB-Lwa , Westminster Abbey Library [no indication]
Library (siglum):
Material held:
(medius, fols. 1 and 45)
External Links: Mikrofilm im Deutschen Musikgeschichtlichen Archiv (D-Kdma) vorhanden
External Links: Mikrofilm im Deutschen Musikgeschichtlichen Archiv (D-Kdma) vorhanden
RISM ID no.: 993104038
Last update: July 11, 2024
Last update: July 11, 2024