Scoring summary: V (12)
Language of Text: Latin
Subject: Masses, Motets, Canticles
Original Title: BASSVS II. CHORVS II. | THOMÆ LV- | DIVICI DE VICTORIA | ABVLENSIS | SACRÆ CESAREÆ MAIESTATIS CAPELLANI | Missæ Magnificat, Motecta Psalmi, & alia qua[m] plurima. | Quæ partim Octonis, alia Nonis, alia Duodenis | vocibus concinuntur. | HÆC OMNIA SUNT IN HOC LIBRO | ad pulsandum in organis.| AD PHILIPPVM III. ORBIS | vtriusq[ue] Monarcham maximum | PERMISSV SVPERIORVM. | MATRITI, | Ex Typografia Regia. | Anno M. DC. [Madrid, "ex typographia regia", [am Ende:] "apud Ioannem Flandrum"; Madrid, "ex typographia regia", [am Ende:] "apud Ioannem Flandrum"]
Variant title on source: [colophon:] Matriti, apud Ioannem Flandrum. Anno M.DC.
Source type
Source type: Print
Content type: Notated music
Format, extent: 1 score: 43 f.
Source type
Source type: Print
Content type: Notated music
Format, extent: 8 parts
Parts held and extent: Coro 1: S, A, T, B; Coro 2: C, A, T, B
Provenance note: León, Jerónimo de
RISM series: RISM A/I V 1435
Local number: V 1435
Source of description note: [E-Mn] (provisional title information)
Bibliographic reference:
p. 334, no.24
United Kingdom
CO-B , Archivo Musical de la Catedral de Bogotá [no indication]
Library (siglum):
Material held:
fehlt S I
Local number: V 1435
Local number: V 1435
D-Mbs , Bayerische Staatsbibliothek 2 212
D-Mbs , Bayerische Staatsbibliothek 2013.214
Library (siglum):
Material held:
6 parts: I: A, T, B; II: S, A, B: 29, 28, 28, 28, 28, 27 f.
Notes: S I and T II missing
Provenance: Provenienz: Theatinerkirche St. Kajetan, München
Local number: V 1435
Notes: S I and T II missing
Provenance: Provenienz: Theatinerkirche St. Kajetan, München
Local number: V 1435
E-Bc , Arxiu Capitular de la Catedral Basílica de Barcelona [no indication]
Library (siglum):
Material held:
Local number: V 1435
Local number: V 1435
E-Mn , Biblioteca Nacional de España. Departamento de Música y Audiovisuales R/14433-R/14438
Library (siglum):
Material held:
8 parts: I: S, A, T, B II: S, A, T, B
Local number: V 1435
Local number: V 1435
E-SEG , Catedral de Segorbe, Archivo y Biblioteca [no indication]
Library (siglum):
Material held:
Local number: V 1435
Local number: V 1435
E-V , Archivo Musical de la Catedral de Valladolid 40 [59 bis]
Library (siglum):
Bibliographic reference:
Material held:
I: SAB; II: AB; 1: S2
Local number: V 1435
Local number: V 1435
E-V , Archivo Musical de la Catedral de Valladolid 40 [59]
Library (siglum):
Former owner:
Bibliographic reference:
Material held:
I: SATB; II: SATB; pars organi
Local number: V 1435
Local number: V 1435
GB-Lbl , The British Library [no indication]
Library (siglum):
Material held:
8 parts: I: S, A, T, B II: S, A, T, B
Local number: V 1435
Local number: V 1435
I-Fn , Biblioteca nazionale centrale Mus. 107
Library (siglum):
Material held:
I: S, A, T, B II: S, A, T, B; 2. Ex.: T I, P.
Local number: V 1435
Local number: V 1435
I-MOe , Biblioteca Estense Universitaria [no indication]
Library (siglum):
Material held:
1 part: B I
Local number: V 1435
Local number: V 1435
PL-Kj , Biblioteka Jagiellońska Mus.ant.pract. V 525
Library (siglum):
Material held:
1 part: I: S II
Notes: CANTVS II. CHORVS I. THOMAE LVDOVICI | DE VICTORIA ABVLENSIS | SACRAE CAESAREAE MAIESTATIS CAPELLANI | Missae, Magnificat, Motecta Psalmi, & alia quam plurima. | Quae partim Octonis, alia Nonis, alia Duodenis | vocibus concinuntur. PERMISSV SVPERIORVM. MATRITI, | Ex Typographia Regia. | ANNO M. DC. | [at the end of the part-book:] MATRITI, | Apud Ioannem Flandrum. | Anno M. DC.
Local number: V 1435
Notes: CANTVS II. CHORVS I. THOMAE LVDOVICI | DE VICTORIA ABVLENSIS | SACRAE CAESAREAE MAIESTATIS CAPELLANI | Missae, Magnificat, Motecta Psalmi, & alia quam plurima. | Quae partim Octonis, alia Nonis, alia Duodenis | vocibus concinuntur. PERMISSV SVPERIORVM. MATRITI, | Ex Typographia Regia. | ANNO M. DC. | [at the end of the part-book:] MATRITI, | Apud Ioannem Flandrum. | Anno M. DC.
Local number: V 1435
RISM ID no.: 990066446
Last update: July 23, 2024
Last update: July 23, 2024