Scoring summary: V (5), i (5)
Subject: Motets
Original Title: LIBER TERTIUS. | CONTINENS | MOTETAS DIERUM | FERIARUM QVINQVE VO- | CUM: EX MANDATO ILLUSTRISSIMI | Cattorum Principis, DN. MAURITII: com- | positas, & tam instrumentis, quàm vi- | væ voci accommodatas | A | GEORGIO OTTONE | Chorarcho Hassiaco. | DISCANTUS. | CASSELLIS | Ex officina typographica MAURITIANA, | opera Wilhelmi Wesselii typographi, | Anno Salvatoris nostri. | CIↃ IↃ C. IIII.
Initial entry:
Source type
Source type: Print
Content type: Notated music
Publishing, printing and production information
Place: Kassel
Publisher, copyist: Wilhelm Wessel
Format, extent: 5 parts
Printing technique: Typography
Parts held and extent: S, A, T, B, V 5
RISM series: RISM A/I O 278
Local number: O 278
Source of description note: D-Kl 4° Mus. 53
, Landesbibliothek und Murhardsche Bibliothek der Stadt Kassel 4° Mus. 53
United Kingdom
A-Wgm , Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde in Wien, Archiv [no indication]
Library (siglum):
Material held:
Local number: O 278
Local number: O 278
D-Bhm , Universität der Künste Berlin, Universitätsbibliothek [no indication]
Library (siglum):
Material held:
S, A, T, 5
Local number: O 278
Local number: O 278
, Landesbibliothek und Murhardsche Bibliothek der Stadt Kassel 4° Mus. 53
Library (siglum):
Material held:
Local number: O 278
Local number: O 278
D-Kl , Landesbibliothek und Murhardsche Bibliothek der Stadt Kassel [no indication]
Library (siglum):
Material held:
incomplete: S, A, T, B
Local number: O 278
Local number: O 278
D-Rp , Bischöfliche Zentralbibliothek, Proskesche Musikabteilung [no indication]
Library (siglum):
Local number:
O 278
DK-Kk , Det Kongelige Bibliotek på Slotsholmen - Den Sorte Diamant [no indication]
Library (siglum):
Local number:
O 278
GB-Lbl , The British Library [no indication]
Library (siglum):
Local number:
O 278
PL-Kj , Biblioteka Jagiellońska Mus.ant.pract. O 170
Library (siglum):
Material held:
Local number: O 278
Local number: O 278
PL-WRu , Biblioteka Uniwersytecka [no indication]
Library (siglum):
Material held:
S, A, T [unvollständig], B [unvollständig]
Local number: O 278
Local number: O 278
RISM ID no.: 990047586
Last update: June 12, 2023
Last update: June 12, 2023