Scoring summary: V (6)
Language of Text: Italian
Subject: Madrigals
Scoring: S, A, T, B, V 5, V 6
Original Title: [title page:] DI LVCA MARENZIO | MVSICO ECCELLENTISS. | Il Primo, Secondo, Terzo, Quarto & Quinto Libro | DE MADRIGALI | A SEI VOCI | Nouamente Ristampati & in vn Corpo ridotti. | [indication of part] IN ANVERSA | Appresso Pietro Phalesio al Re Dauid. | M. DC X.
  • Source type:
    Source type: Print
    Content type: Notated music
    Publishing, printing and production information:
    Place: Antwerpen Pierre Phalèse 1610 01
    Publisher, copyist: Pierre Phalèse
    Format, extent: 6 parts
    Dimensions: printed area, title: 13 x 18 cm; printed area, music: 14 x 17,5 cm; in-4o obl.
    Parts held and extent: S: 1 f., 106 p., 1 f.; A: 1 f., 106 p., 1 f.; T: 1 f., 106 p., 1 f.; B: 1 f., 106 p, 2 f.; V 5: 1 f., 102 p.; V 6: 1 f., 106 p., 1 f.
    Special production technique:
    Printing technique: Typography
Notes: Contains: 1 piece by A. Bicci; 74 pieces by L. Marenzio.
RISM series: A/I, B/I
Local number: M 524
Source of description note: D-Dl Mus.1.H.7,1
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Library (siglum):
Former owner:
Bound with: 1001060681
Notes: Diese Musikquelle ist Gegenstand des DFG-Projekts „Die Notenbestände der Dresdner Hofkirche und der Königlichen Privat-Musikaliensammlung aus der Zeit der sächsisch-polnischen Union“. Weitere Informationen unter; Stempel: "BIBLIOTHECA MUSICA REGIA"; V 5 unvollständig
Parts: 6 parts: S, A, T, B, V 5, V 6
Format: 19 x 22 cm
External Links: Stempel

Library (siglum):
Material held: S, T, B
Library (siglum):
Material held: T, B, 5
United Kingdom
Library (siglum):
Library (siglum):
Material held: kpl. in 2 Ex.
Library (siglum):
Material held: 5
Library (siglum):
Material held: T
Provenance: No names of other composers in the volume; according to RISM: A. Bicci (1), L. Marenzio (74).
RISM ID no.: 990039267
Last update: June 11, 2023