Scoring summary: S, Contra-T, T, B, V 5, V 6
Language of Text: French
Subject: Chansons
Original Title: LIVRE | DE | MELANGES | DE C. LE IEVNE. [a 4, 5, 6, 8, 10 v] [Antwerpen, Christophe Plantin]
  • Source type
    Source type: Print
    Content type: Notated music
    Publishing, printing and production information
    Place: A Anvers
    Publisher, copyist: De l'Imprimerie de Christofle Plantin
    Format, extent: 5 parts
    Dimensions: 21 x 15,5 cm
    Book format: 4°
    Parts held and extent: S: [8], 131, [1] p.; Contratenor: [8], 135, [1] p.; T: [8], 127, [i.e. 126], [2] p.; B: [8], 127, [1] p.; V 5: [6], [2], 93 [i.e. 95], [1] p.; V 6: [6], [2], 35, [1] p.
Scoring: S, Contra-T, T, B, V 5
RISM series: RISM A/I L 1674; LL 1674
Local number: L 1674; LL 1674
Source of description note: PL-GD Bibl. Mar. q. 119-126 adl. 8
Bibliographic reference: no. 9 p. 145
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Library (siglum):
Material held: 6
Local number: L 1674; LL 1674
Library (siglum):
Material held: kpl.: S, Contra-T, T, B, 5, 6
Local number: L 1674; LL 1674

Library (siglum):
Former owner:
Bibliographic reference: p. 145
Binding: Bound in contemporary vellum with ties to the sides. The tenor partbook is lacking its cover. The spines, where surviving, are lettered in ink with the name of their respective voice-part.
Material held: S; Contra-T; T; B; 5; 6
Local number: L 1674; LL 1674
Library (siglum):
Material held: fehlt 6
Local number: L 1674; LL 1674
Library (siglum):
Local number: L 1674; LL 1674
United Kingdom
Library (siglum):
Material held: Contra-T
Local number: L 1674; LL 1674
Library (siglum):
Former owner:
Material held: S, A, T, B, 5, 6
Bound with: 1001202670
Provenance: [pl text Biblioteka kościoła Najświętszej Marii Panny w Gdansku]
Local number: L 1674; LL 1674
Library (siglum):
Material held: kpl: S, A, T, B, V5, V6
Bound with: 1001203351
Local number: L 1674; LL 1674
RISM ID no.: 990037443
Last update: November 6, 2023