Scoring summary: V (5), i (5)
Language of Text: Latin
Subject: Motets
Catalog of works: 1582ζ
Original Title: [title page, parts:] SACRÆ CANTIONES, | QVINQVE VOCVM, QVÆ CVM VIVÆ VO- | CI, TVM OMNIS GENERIS INSTRVMENTIS MVSICIS | COMMODISSIME APPLICA- | RI POSSVNT. | Opus planè nouum, nunquàm alijs Typis excusum: Iampridem summa dili- | gentia compositum, ac sine menda in lucem editum. | AVTHORE | ORLANDO DE LASSO, Musicorum apud Illustriss: | Bauariæ Ducem GVILIELMVM, &c. Rectore. [indication of part] | Monachij excudebat Adamus Berg. | Cum priuilegio Sacræ Cæs: Maiestatis, &c. peculiari, cuius | argumentum pagina versa indicabit. | Anno Dni M. D. LXXXII.
  • Source type
    Source type: Print
    Content type: Notated music
    Publishing, printing and production information
    Place: Monachij [München]
    Publisher, copyist: excudebat Adamus Berg
    Format, extent: 5 parts
    Book format: 4°
    Printing technique: Typography
    Parts held and extent: S: 20 f.; A: 20 f.; T: 20 f.; B: 20 f.; V 5: 20 f.
    Gesamtumfang, alle Stimmen: f. 1r Titel; f. 1v "EXTRACTVS PRIVILEGII | CÆS: MAIEST:", "Pragæ 15. Iunij Anno 1581 scripto", gezeichnet "Rgudolphus. | V. S. Vieheuser. D. | ad mandatum, &c. | Ærstenberger."; f. 2r-v Dedikation "CLARISSIMIS, ORNATISSSIMIS= | QVE [!] NOBILITATE, PRVDENTIA, OMNIQVE VIRTV- | TVM GENERE VIRIS, AMPLISSIMAE NORIMBERGEN- | SIS REIPVB: SENATORIBVS, DOMINIS | MIHI OMNI OBSERVAN- | TIA COLEN- | DIS.", gezeichnet "Datæ Monachij, Calendis Februarij, Anno Dni Millesimo, Quin- | gentesimo, Octuagesimo secundo. | Vestrum omnium | Obseruantissimus | Orlandus Lassus."; f. 3r-20r Noten; f. 20v "INDEX CANTIONVM, QVÆ | IN HOC LIBRO CONTINENTVR." und Schlussvemerk "FINIS.".
  • Material
    Format, extent: 4 parts: S, A, T, B
RISM series: RISM A/I L 938; LL 938
Local number: L 938; LL 938
Source of description note: D-Mbs 4 137#Beibd.2
Bibliographic reference: 1582-6
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Material held: kpl.: S, A, T, B, 5
Local number: L 938; LL 938
Library (siglum):
Material held: S
Local number: L 938; LL 938
Czech Republic
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Material held: 5 fehlt
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Library (siglum):
Local number: L 938; LL 938
Library (siglum):
Local number: L 938; LL 938
Library (siglum):
Material held: incpl.
Bound with: 1001322829
Parts: 4 parts: S, A, T, B
Local number: L 938; LL 938
External Links: Katalogkarte RISM-Arbeitsstelle Dresden
Library (siglum):
Material held: kpl., alle Stimmbücher unvollständig
Local number: L 938; LL 938
External Links: Katalogkarte RISM-Arbeitsstelle Dresden
Library (siglum):
Material held: 1. Ex.: kpl. 2. Ex.: S, 5
Local number: L 938; LL 938
Library (siglum):
Material held: 1. Ex.: kpl. 2. Ex.: S, A, B, 5 3. Ex.: B
Local number: L 938; LL 938
Library (siglum):
Material held: S, A, T
Local number: L 938; LL 938
Library (siglum):
Material held: 3 parts: T, B, 5
Local number: L 938; LL 938
External Links: Katalogkarte RISM-Arbeitsstelle Dresden
United Kingdom
Library (siglum):
Local number: L 938; LL 938
Library (siglum):
Local number: L 938; LL 938
Library (siglum):
Local number: L 938; LL 938
Library (siglum):
Local number: L 938; LL 938
Library (siglum):
Material held: A
Local number: L 938; LL 938
Library (siglum):
Local number: L 938; LL 938
RISM ID no.: 990036724
Last update: June 11, 2023