Dedicatee: [Ascertained]
Scoring summary: V (2)
Subject: Motets
Scoring: V (2)
Catalog of works: 1577β 592-615
Original Title: [title pages:] NOVÆ ALIQVOT ET ANTE | HAC NON ITA VSITATÆ AD DVAS VO- | ces Cantiones suauissimæ, omnibus Musicis summè vti- | les: nec non Tyronibus quàm eius artis pe= | ritioribus summopere in- | seruientes. | Authore | ORLANDO DI LASSO, | Illustrißimi Bauariæ Ducis ALBERTI Mu= | sici Chori Magistro. | Summa diligentia compositæ, correctæ, & nunc primùm in lucem æditæ. | Monachij excudebat Adamus Berg. | Cum gratia & priuilegio Cæs: Maiestatis. | M. D. LXXVII.
  • Source type:
    Source type: Print
    Content type: Notated music
    Publishing, printing and production information:
    Place: Monachij [München] excudebat Adamus Berg 1577 01
    Publisher, copyist: excudebat Adamus Berg
    Format, extent: 2 parts
    Parts held and extent: S/T: 20 f.; A/B: 20 f.
    Special production technique:
    Printing technique: Typography
    Gesamtumfang, beide Bände: f. 1r Titel; f. 1v am unteren Rand "Habent Pagin: 10."; f. 2r Dedikation "SERENISSIMO ET ILLVSTRISSSIMO [!] PRIN- | CIPI AC DOMINO, DOMINO VVILHELMO, COMITI | Palatino Rheni, vtriusq; Bauariæ Duci, &c. Do= | mino meo clementissimo.", gezeichnet "Monaci 2. Ianuarij. Anno 1577. | Serenissimæ ac Illust: Cels: Tuæ | Perpetuus & addictissimus | Orlandus de Lasso."; f. 2v-20r Noten; f. 20v "INDEX CANTIONVM.".; Zwei Bücher, Band 1 enthaltend die Oberstimmen (Sopran und Tenor), Band 2 die Unterstimmen (Alt und Bass).; Die ersten 12 Motetten "Cum Texte", die letzten 12 "Sine Textu".
RISM series: RISM A/I
Local number: L 902
Source of description note: D-Mbs 4 134
Bibliographic reference: 1577-2
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Library (siglum):
Material held: kpl.: 2 St.
RISM ID no.: 990036689
Last update: June 11, 2023