Scoring summary: V (5), V (6), V (7)
Subject: Motets
Original Title: DVLCISSIMÆ QVÆDAM | CANTIONES, NVMERO XXXII. QVINQVE, | SEX ET SEPTEM VOCVM, ITA FACTÆ, VT | tum humanæ voci, tum Musicis Instrumen- | tis aptæ esse possint, | AVTHORE | IOANNE KNEFELIO LAVBENSI, ILLVSTRIS- | simi Principi ac Domini, Domini HENRICI, Ducis Silesiae, Lignicen. | Brigen. & Goltbergen. Musici chori Magistro. | DISCANTVS. | CVM GRATIA ET PRIVILEGIO CÆSAREÆ | Maie. ad annos sex. | NORIBERGÆ, | IN OFFICINA THEODORICI GERLATZENI. | M. D. LXXI.
  • Source type
    Source type: Print
    Content type: Notated music
    Publishing, printing and production information
    Place: Nürnberg
    Publisher, copyist: Theodor Gerlach
    Format, extent: 6 parts
    Dimensions: printed area, title (S): 12,2 x 15,5 cm, printed area, music (S): 12,5 x 15,5 cm
    Book format: obl. 8°
    Printing technique: Typography
  • Material
    Format, extent: 2 parts (V 5, B)
  • Material
    Format, extent: 3 parts (S, A, V 5)
Notes: Dimensions on the basis of PL-Wu copy.
RISM series: RISM A/I K 989; KK 989
Local number: K 989; KK 989
Source of description note: D-Mbs 4 105#Beibd.6
Bibliographic reference: p.16-18
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Czech Republic
Library (siglum):
Material held: S, A, T, B, 5, 6
Notes: Auf dem 1. S. des oberen Deckels jeder Stimme ist Etikette mit handschriftlichem Titeltext : "Johann Knöfel. | Dulcissimae quaedam cantiones | quinque, sex et septem vocum | Noribergae M.D.LXXI. | [Bezeichnung der Stimme]; Na i. s. přední desky každého hlasu bílý štítek s rukopisným tit. textem: "Johann Knöfel. | Dulcissimae quaedam cantiones | quinque, sex et septem vocum | Noribergae M.D.LXXI. | [označení hlasu].
Local number: K 989; KK 989
Library (siglum):
Material held: fehlt 6
Local number: K 989; KK 989
Library (siglum):
Material held: S
Local number: K 989; KK 989
Library (siglum):
Material held: T, B, 5
Local number: K 989; KK 989
Library (siglum):
Material held: S, A, T, B, 5, 6
Local number: K 989; KK 989
Library (siglum):
Material held: kpl.: S, A, T, B, 5, 6
Local number: K 989; KK 989
Library (siglum):
Material held: T
Local number: K 989; KK 989
Library (siglum):
Former owner:
Local number: K 989; KK 989

Library (siglum):
Local number: K 989; KK 989
External Links: Katalogkarte RISM-Arbeitsstelle Dresden
Library (siglum):
Material held: kpl. B [2 Ex.]
Local number: K 989; KK 989
Library (siglum):
Local number: K 989; KK 989
United Kingdom
Library (siglum):
Local number: K 989; KK 989
Library (siglum):
Material held: T [unvollständig], B [fehlt Titelblatt], 5 [unvollständig]
Local number: K 989; KK 989
Library (siglum):
Material held: kpl.: S, A, T, B, 5, 6
Local number: K 989; KK 989
Library (siglum):
Material held: A
Local number: K 989; KK 989
Library (siglum):
Material held: 5
Local number: K 989; KK 989
Library (siglum):
Material held: 1. Ex.: fehlt 6 2. Ex.: S, A, 5
Local number: K 989; KK 989
Library (siglum):
Material held: T
Local number: K 989; KK 989
Library (siglum):
Former owner:
Bibliographic reference: p.16-18
Material held: incomplete: V 5, B
Bound with: 1001257408
Notes: Original binding in brown leather over cardrboards. Leather tooled in blind. On the left cover indication of the part [QVINTA VOX / BASSVS] and date of the binding: "1579".; Provenence note on the title page of the "Latinae Cantiones`" in both parts; in V 5: "Pro usu Ecclesiae Ilcusiensis Sancti Andreae in sex partes compactae"; in V 5 provenance note also on the left paste-down: " Pro usu Ecclesiae Illcusien[sis] Sancti Andreae". Handwritten historical shelfmark on the left paste-down: in V 5 part: "No 1 | L 55 | Kl 75 | Ɣ | Z 4 35 | Kl 75", in B part: "No 1 | L 56 | Kl 76 | Ɣ | Z 4 34 | Kl 76".
Shelfmark (olim): No 1; L 55 | Kl 75; Ɣ | Z 4 35 | Kl 75; L 56 | Kl 76; Ɣ | Z 4 34 | Kl 76
Provenance: Pro usu Ecclesiae Ilcusiensis Sancti Andreae
Parts: 2 parts (V 5, B)
Format: binding: 15,5 x 20,5 cm
Local number: K 989; KK 989
Library (siglum):
Former owner: [Ascertained]
Former owner: [Ascertained]
Associated name:
Former owner:
Binding: Original binding in brown leather over cardrboards. Leather tooled in blind and gold. On the left covers indication of the part [SVPERIVS / CONTRA TENOR / QVINTA VOX] and date of the binding: "1575". On the right covers there is an monogram: "SHT".
Material held: incomplete: S, A, V 5
Bound with: 1001257661
Notes: Original binding in brown leather over cardrboards. Leather tooled in blind and gold. On the left covers indication of the part [SVPERIVS / CONTRA TENOR / QVINTA VOX] and date of the binding: "1575". On the right covers there is an monogram: "SHT".; The A part is included in the volume indicated as "CONTRA TENOR". Title page missing; On the left paste-down of S part latin sentence: "Qui non gustabit amara non gustabit dulcia." On the right paste-down of Contra-T part illegible inscription: "Anno D[omi]ni 1603 Die [illegible]".; Provenence notes in S part: 1. In printed edition of J. Clemens non Papa "Liber secundus cantionum", on the reverse of the title page: "Josephus Piotrucha Sandomirien[sis] Plebanus in Zaleszani. Ora pro me frater". 2. In printed edition of A. Willaert "Moteta quatuor [...] Liber primus", on the reverse of the title page: "V[e]n[e]rab[ilis] Jozephus Piotrucha Sandom[iriensis] Plebanus in Zaleszani pro Choro S. Jacobi Aposto[li] Sandom. Anni 1602. D." 3. In printed edition of A. Willaert "Moteta cum sex et septem vocibus [...] Liber secundus", on the title page: "R[everendus] Jozephus Sandomirien[sis] Mansion[arius] Ecclesiae Collegia[tae] Sand[omi]r[iensis]." 4. In printed edition of Orlando di Lasso "Fasciculus aliquot cantionum", on the title page: "R[evere]n[dus] Jozephus Piotrucha Sandomiriensis", [below latin sentence:] "Virtute decet non sanguine niti".; Provenence notes in Contra-T part: 1. On the title page of J. Clemens non Papa "Liber primus cantionum" [according to PerzO, p. 23: "Conventus Sancti Jacobi"], [or: "Conventus Sandomiriensis"]. 2. In printed edition of A. Willaert "Moteta cum sex et septem vocibus [...] Liber secundus", on f. 4r: "R[evere]n[dus] Jozephus Piotrucha Sandomirien[sis]. Ecclesia S. Jacobi Sandomir[iensis] D. An[no] 1602". 3. In printed edition of Orlando di Lasso "Fasciculus aliquot cantionum", on the title page: "R[evere]n[dus] Jozephus Piotruchouius Sandomir[iensis] Pro Choro S. Jacobi Sandomiri. An[no] 1602. D.".; Provenence notes in V 5 part: 1. In printed edition "Liber octavus cantionum", on the f. 1r: "R[evere]n[dus] Jozephus Piotrucha Sandomirien[sis] Pro choro Eccl[esi]ae S. Jacobi Ordin[is] Praedicat[orum Sand[omi]ri[ensis] An[no] 1602. D.". 2. At the end of the printed edition of Orlando di Lasso "Fasciculus aliquot cantionum": "R[everendus] Josephus Piotrucha Sando[mi]rien[sis] nec non etiam Mansionar[ius] Ecclesiae Collegia[tae] Sand[omi]r[iens] possesor Anni 1589 [below quote from the Isaiah, 49, 6:] "Dedi te in luce[m] gentiu[m] ut sis salus mea usq[ue] ad extremu[m] terrae", [below:] "Ortus cuncta suos repetunt matremq[ue] requirunt. Et redit in nihilum, quod fuit ante nihil". 3. In printed edition of Orlando di Lasso "Fasciculus aliquot cantionum", on the title page: "Jozephus Piotruchoui[us] Sand[omi]rien[sis]", [below:] "Jozephus Piotrucha Sandomirien[sis]", [below:] "R[everendus] Jozeph[us] Piotruchoui[us] Sand[omi]rien[sis] Mansionari[us] ]Sand[omi]rien[sis] Anni 1589". 4. In printed edition of Orlando di Lasso "Fasciculus aliquot cantionum", on f. Aa4 r:] "R[evere]n[dus] Jozephus Piotrucha Sandomirien[sis] Plebanus in Zaleszani Pro Conventu Sancti Jacobi Sandomirien[sis]Ordinis Praedicator[um] D.". 5. In printed edition of Johann Knöfel "Dulcissimae quaedam cantiones", onf. Aa2 v: "R[evere]nd[us] Jozephus Piotrucha Sandomirien[sis] Pleban[us] in Zaleszani Pro Choro Convent[u] Sandomiri[ensis] Ordinis Fratru[m] [erased: minorum] Praedicatoru[m] donauit", on. f. Aa3 r: "R[evere]n[dus] Jozephus Piotrucha Sandomirien[sis].
Parts: 3 parts (S, A, V 5)
Format: binding: 17 x 21 cm
Local number: K 989; KK 989
Library (siglum):
Material held: fehlt B
Local number: K 989; KK 989
Library (siglum):
Material held: fehlt A T, B und 5 unvollständig
Local number: K 989; KK 989
RISM ID no.: 990033801
Last update: December 14, 2023