Scoring summary: V (X)
Language of Text: Latin
Subject: Motets, Sacred songs
Original Title: [title:] QVARTVS TOMVS. | MVSICI OPERIS, HARMO- | NIARVM QVATVOR, QVINQVE, SEX, OCTO | ET PLVRIVM VOCVM, QVAE EX SANCTO CATHOLICAE | ECCLESIAE VSV ITA SVNT DISPOSITAE, VT | omni tempore inseruire queant. | Ad Dei Opt: Max: laudem, & Ecclesiæ sanctæ decus. | Incipit pars de Sanctis. | AVTHORE | Jacobo Hándl. | [indication of part] | PRAGAE, TYPIS GEORGII NIGRINI. Anno M. D. XC. | Cum Gratia & Priuilegio Sac: Cæs: Mai: vt versa pagina declarat.
Source type
Source type: Print
Content type: Notated music
Publishing, printing and production information
Location of printer: PRAGAE
Format, extent: 8 parts
Dimensions: printed area, title (T): 13 x 16,2 cm; printed area, music (T): 12,5 x 16,2 cm
Book format: 4°
Printing technique: Typography
Parts held and extent: S: 84 f.; A: 84 f.; T: 90 f.; B: 84 f.; V 5: 64 f.; V 6: 43 f.; V 7: 25 f.; V 8: 24 f.
Signaturformeln: A - x4 (S); a - x4 (A); )( - )()(4, a - x4 (T); a - x4 (B); a - q4 (V 5); A - L3 (V 6); a - f4 (V 7); a - f4 (V 8); T: f 1r Titel, 1v "SVMMA PRIVILEGII CAESAREI", unterzeichnet "L. Haberstock", f. 2r-3r "ADMODVM REVEREN- | DO IN CHRISTO PATRI AC DOMINO", unterzeichnet Iacobus Hándl Gallus dictus C., f. 3v leer, f. 4r-8v Index Harmoniarum quarti Tomi. f. 9r-90v Notentext.
Format, extent: 8 parts
Format, extent: 8 parts
Format, extent: 8 parts
Scoring: V
RISM series: RISM A/I H 1985; HH 1985
Local number: H 1985; HH 1985
Source of description note: D-Dl Mus.Löb.13,4
External Links: Katalogkarte RISM-Arbeitsstelle Dresden
- Gallus, Iacobus: Surge propera amica mea speciosa mea - V (8); HK 247
- Gallus, Iacobus: Adiuro vos filie Jerusalem - V (8); HK 248
- Gallus, Iacobus: Salve nobilis virga Jesse - V (8); HK 249
- Gallus, Iacobus: Quam pulchra es - V (8); HK 250
- Gallus, Iacobus: Ego flos campi - V (8); HK 251
- Gallus, Iacobus: Nativitas gloriosae virginis Mariae - V (8); HK 252
- Gallus, Iacobus: Adiuro vos filiae Jerusalem - V (12); HK 253
- Gallus, Iacobus: Exsultat Maria et matrem se laeta - V (12); HK 254
- Gallus, Iacobus: Estote fortes in bello - V (12); HK 255
- Gallus, Iacobus: Constitues eos principes - V (8); HK 256
- Gallus, Iacobus: Isti sunt triumphatores - V (8); HK 257
- Gallus, Iacobus: Ibant apostoli - V (8); HK 258
- Gallus, Iacobus: Hoc est praeceptum meum - V (8); HK 259
- Gallus, Iacobus: Vox tonitrui tui Deus - V (8); HK 260
- Gallus, Iacobus: In hac die Christophorus alleluia - V (8); HK 261
- Gallus, Iacobus: Gaudent in caelis - V (8); HK 262
- Gallus, Iacobus: Gloria et honore - V (8); HK 263
- Gallus, Iacobus: Haec est vera fraternitas - V (8); HK 264
- Gallus, Iacobus: Cum esset Stephanus plenus Spiritu Sancto - V (8); HK 265
- Gallus, Iacobus: Elisabethae vero impletum est - V (8); HK 266
- Gallus, Iacobus: Dum vagus huc illuc - V (8); HK 267
- Gallus, Iacobus: Nympha refer quae sit vox - V (8); HK 268
- Gallus, Iacobus: Filiae Jerusalem - V (12); HK 269
- Gallus, Iacobus: Sapientiam omnium antiquorum - V (12); HK 270
- Gallus, Iacobus: Ecce sacerdos magnus - V (8); HK 271
- Gallus, Iacobus: Collaudabunt multi sapientiam - V (8); HK 272
- Gallus, Iacobus: Domini est terra - V (8); HK 273
- Gallus, Iacobus: Domine quinque talenta - V (8); HK 274
- Gallus, Iacobus: Dixerunt discipuli ad beatum Martinum - V (8); HK 275
- Gallus, Iacobus: Virgines prudentes - V (8); HK 276
- Gallus, Iacobus: Ecce virgo prudens - V (8); HK 277
- Gallus, Iacobus: Ornatam monilibus - V (6); HK 278
- Gallus, Iacobus: Quae est ista quae ascendit - V (6); HK 279
- Gallus, Iacobus: Nativitatem beatae Mariae virginis - V (6); HK 280
- Gallus, Iacobus: Vidi speciosam - V (6); HK 281
- Gallus, Iacobus: Quasi cedrus exaltata sum - V (6); HK 282
- Gallus, Iacobus: Sancta et immaculata - V (6); HK 283
- Gallus, Iacobus: Beata es virgo Maria - V (6); HK 284
- Gallus, Iacobus: Ave Maria - V (6); HK 285
- Gallus, Iacobus: Isti sunt qui viventes - V (6); HK 286
- Gallus, Iacobus: Vos qui reliquistis omnia - V (6); HK 287
- Gallus, Iacobus: Dum steteritis ante reges - V (6); HK 288
- Gallus, Iacobus: In omnem terram - V (6); HK 289
- Gallus, Iacobus: Valde honorandus est - V (6); HK 290
- Gallus, Iacobus: Petre amas me - V (6); HK 291
- Gallus, Iacobus: Qui operatus est - V (6); HK 292
- Gallus, Iacobus: Non vos me elegistis - V (6); HK 293
- Gallus, Iacobus: Iustorum animae - V (6); HK 294
- Gallus, Iacobus: Absterget Deus omnem lacrimam - V (6); HK 295
- Gallus, Iacobus: Iste sanctus - V (6); HK 296
- Gallus, Iacobus: Beatus vir qui suffert - V (6); HK 297
- Gallus, Iacobus: Viri sancti - V (6); HK 298
- Gallus, Iacobus: Elisabeth Zachariae - V (6); HK 299
- Gallus, Iacobus: In caelestibus regnis - V (6); HK 300
- Gallus, Iacobus: Amavit eum Dominus - V (6); HK 301
- Gallus, Iacobus: Fulgebunt justi et tamquam scintillae - V (6); HK 302
- Gallus, Iacobus: Laetamini in Domino - V (6); HK 303
- Gallus, Iacobus: Corona aurea - V (6); HK 304
- Gallus, Iacobus: Si quis mihi ministraverit - V (6); HK 305
- Gallus, Iacobus: Justus germinabit - V (6); HK 306
- Gallus, Iacobus: Junior fui etenim senui - V (6); HK 307
- Gallus, Iacobus: Euge serve bone - V (6); HK 308
- Gallus, Iacobus: Multae filiae congregaverunt divitias - V (6); HK 309
- Gallus, Iacobus: Veni electa mea - V (6); HK 310
- Gallus, Iacobus: Elegit eam Deus - V (6); HK 311
- Gallus, Iacobus: Revertere sunamitis - V (6); HK 312
- Gallus, Iacobus: Dum aurora finem daret - V (6); HK 313
- Gallus, Iacobus: Beata es virgo Maria - V (5); HK 314
- Gallus, Iacobus: Tota pulchra es amica mea - V (5); HK 315
- Gallus, Iacobus: Extollens quaedam - V (5); HK 316
- Gallus, Iacobus: Exaltata est sancta Dei genitrix - V (5); HK 317
- Gallus, Iacobus: Nativitas tua - V (5); HK 318
- Gallus, Iacobus: Ave Maria - V (5); HK 319
- Gallus, Iacobus: Nigra sum sed formosa - V (5); HK 320
- Gallus, Iacobus: Sancti per fidem - V (5); HK 321
- Gallus, Iacobus: Sancti et justi - V (5); HK 322
- Gallus, Iacobus: Ecce ego mitto vos - V (5); HK 323
- Gallus, Iacobus: Ego sum vitis vera - V (5); HK 324
- Gallus, Iacobus: Beatus Andreas expansis manibus - V (5); HK 325
- Gallus, Iacobus: Quia vidisti me Thoma credidisti - V (5); HK 326
- Gallus, Iacobus: Dederunt apostoli - V (5); HK 327
- Gallus, Iacobus: Tanto tempore - V (5); HK 328
- Gallus, Iacobus: Hodie Simon Petrus - V (5); HK 329
- Gallus, Iacobus: Stola jucunditatis - V (5); HK 330
- Gallus, Iacobus: Multae tribulationes - V (5); HK 331
- Gallus, Iacobus: Hic est vere martyr - V (5); HK 332
- Gallus, Iacobus: Justum deduxit Dominus - V (5); HK 333
- Gallus, Iacobus: Descendit angelus Domini - V (5); HK 334
- Gallus, Iacobus: Intuens in caelum - V (5); HK 335
- Gallus, Iacobus: Beatus Laurentius orabat dicens - V (5); HK 336
- Gallus, Iacobus: Gloria et honore - V (5); HK 337
- Gallus, Iacobus: Domine quinque talenta - V (5); HK 338
- Gallus, Iacobus: Luceat lux vestra - V (5); HK 339
- Gallus, Iacobus: Beatus vir qui inventus est - V (5); HK 340
- Gallus, Iacobus: Ad festa sanctorum Ecclesiae - V (5); HK 341
- Gallus, Iacobus: Invocantem exaudivit - V (5); HK 342
- Gallus, Iacobus: In nomine Jesu - V (5); HK 343
- Gallus, Iacobus: Simile est regnum caelorum - V (5); HK 344
- Gallus, Iacobus: Veni sponsa Christi - V (5); HK 345
- Gallus, Iacobus: Diffusa est gratia - V (5); HK 346
- Gallus, Iacobus: Fallax gratia - V (5); HK 347
- Gallus, Iacobus: Trahe me post te curremus - V (5); HK 348
- Gallus, Iacobus: Consurgat Domine Michael Archangelus - V (5); HK 349
- Gallus, Iacobus: Virgo prudentissima - V (4); HK 350
- Gallus, Iacobus: Surge propera amica mea - V (4); HK 351
- Gallus, Iacobus: Congratulamini mihi omnes - V (4); HK 352
- Gallus, Iacobus: Quod chorus vatum - V (4); HK 353
- Gallus, Iacobus: Gloriosae virginis - V (4); HK 354
- Gallus, Iacobus: Regali ex progenie - V (4); HK 355
- Gallus, Iacobus: Ego flos campi - V (4); HK 356
- Gallus, Iacobus: Vos amici mei estis - V (4); HK 357
- Gallus, Iacobus: Tollite jugum meum - V (4); HK 358
- Gallus, Iacobus: Beati estis - V (4); HK 359
- Gallus, Iacobus: Fratres jam non estis hospites - V (4); HK 360
- Gallus, Iacobus: Misit Herodes rex manus - V (4); HK 361
- Gallus, Iacobus: Sanctus Bartholomeus - V (4); HK 362
- Gallus, Iacobus: Sedentem in telonio - V (4); HK 363
- Gallus, Iacobus: Deus qui nos per beatos apostolos tuos - V (4); HK 364
- Gallus, Iacobus: Honestum fecit illum - V (4); HK 365
- Gallus, Iacobus: Qui me confessus fuerit - V (4); HK 366
- Gallus, Iacobus: Sancti mei - V (4); HK 367
- Gallus, Iacobus: Laetitia sempiterna super capita eorum - V (4); HK 368
- Gallus, Iacobus: Propter testamentum Domini - V (4); HK 369
- Gallus, Iacobus: Sebastianus Dei cultor - V (4); HK 370
- Gallus, Iacobus: Filiae Jerusalem - V (4); HK 371
- Gallus, Iacobus: Beatus vir qui in lege - V (4); HK 372
- Gallus, Iacobus: Domine praevenisti eum - V (4); HK 373
- Gallus, Iacobus: Laudemus viros gloriosos - V (4); HK 374
- Gallus, Iacobus: Accipient justi regnum decoris - V (4); HK 375
- Gallus, Iacobus: Beatus Nicolaus - V (4); HK 376
- Gallus, Iacobus: Justus cor suum tradidit - V (4); HK 377
- Gallus, Iacobus: Posui adjutorium - V (4); HK 378
- Gallus, Iacobus: Hic est Martinus - V (4); HK 379
- Gallus, Iacobus: Magnus inter magnos - V (4); HK 380
- Gallus, Iacobus: Audi filia - V (4); HK 381
- Gallus, Iacobus: Qui gloriatur in Domino - V (4); HK 382
- Gallus, Iacobus: Mulierem fortem - V (4); HK 383
- Gallus, Iacobus: Regnum mundi - V (4); HK 384
- Gallus, Iacobus: Costi regis tenerrima - V (4); HK 385
- Gallus, Iacobus: Michael caeli signifer Gabriel mundi Lucifer - V (4); HK 386
- Gallus, Iacobus: Exsultate justi in Domino - V (8); HK 387
- Gallus, Iacobus: Exsultate Deo - V (8); HK 388
- Gallus, Iacobus: Cantate Domino canticum novum laus ejus in eccl... - V (24); HK 389
- Gallus, Iacobus: Laudate Dominum in sanctis eius - V (24); HK 390
Czech Republic
United Kingdom
B-Br , Bibliothèque royale de Belgique (KBR) - Koninklijke Bibliotheek van België (KBR) [no indication]
Library (siglum):
Material held:
kpl.: S, A, T, B, 5 6, 7 und 8 handschriftlich
Local number: H 1985; HH 1985
Local number: H 1985; HH 1985
CZ-Bm , Moravské zemské muzeum, oddělení dějin hudby [no indication]
Library (siglum):
Material held:
S, A, T, 5
Local number: H 1985; HH 1985
Local number: H 1985; HH 1985
CZ-KU , Oblastní muzeum Ht 50
Library (siglum):
Material held:
Provenance: Klášter voršilek
Local number: H 1985; HH 1985
Provenance: Klášter voršilek
Local number: H 1985; HH 1985
D-As , Staats- und Stadtbibliothek [no indication]
Library (siglum):
Material held:
fehlt 6
Local number: H 1985; HH 1985
Local number: H 1985; HH 1985
D-B , Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin - Preußischer Kulturbesitz, Musikabteilung 55 Apr 18-4
Library (siglum):
Material held:
1 part: 7. St.
Local number: H 1985; HH 1985
External Links: Katalogkarte RISM-Arbeitsstelle Dresden
Local number: H 1985; HH 1985
External Links: Katalogkarte RISM-Arbeitsstelle Dresden
D-B , Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin - Preußischer Kulturbesitz, Musikabteilung Mus.ant.prat.H 275a
Library (siglum):
Material held:
1 part: S
Local number: H 1985; HH 1985
External Links: Katalogkarte RISM-Arbeitsstelle Dresden
Local number: H 1985; HH 1985
External Links: Katalogkarte RISM-Arbeitsstelle Dresden
D-BDk , St. Katharinenkirche, Notenarchiv 3 an 2025
Library (siglum):
Material held:
kpl. A [unvollständig]
Local number: H 1985; HH 1985
External Links: Katalogkarte RISM-Arbeitsstelle Dresden
Local number: H 1985; HH 1985
External Links: Katalogkarte RISM-Arbeitsstelle Dresden
D-Bhm , Universität der Künste Berlin, Universitätsbibliothek [no indication]
Library (siglum):
Material held:
Local number: H 1985; HH 1985
Local number: H 1985; HH 1985
D-Dl , Sächsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek (SLUB) Mus.Löb.13,4
Library (siglum):
Bound with:
Notes: V 6 letztes Blatt fehlt
Parts: 8 parts
Format: 16 x 21,5 cm
Local number: H 1985; HH 1985
External Links: Katalogkarte RISM-Arbeitsstelle Dresden
Notes: V 6 letztes Blatt fehlt
Parts: 8 parts
Format: 16 x 21,5 cm
Local number: H 1985; HH 1985
External Links: Katalogkarte RISM-Arbeitsstelle Dresden
D-Dl , Sächsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek (SLUB) Mus.Gri.3,1
Library (siglum):
Bound with:
Parts: 8 parts
Format: 16,3 x 20,5 cm
Local number: H 1985; HH 1985
External Links: Katalogkarte RISM-Arbeitsstelle Dresden
Parts: 8 parts
Format: 16,3 x 20,5 cm
Local number: H 1985; HH 1985
External Links: Katalogkarte RISM-Arbeitsstelle Dresden
D-Dl , Sächsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek (SLUB) Mus.Sche.2,3
Library (siglum):
Bound with:
Parts: 8 parts
Format: 15,6 x 19,5 cm
Local number: H 1985; HH 1985
External Links: Katalogkarte RISM-Arbeitsstelle Dresden
Parts: 8 parts
Format: 15,6 x 19,5 cm
Local number: H 1985; HH 1985
External Links: Katalogkarte RISM-Arbeitsstelle Dresden
D-Fschneider , Privatsammlung Matthias Schneider Mus 275
Library (siglum):
Material held:
Notes: Mit hs. Anhang
Local number: H 1985; HH 1985
Notes: Mit hs. Anhang
Local number: H 1985; HH 1985
D-Mbs , Bayerische Staatsbibliothek [no indication]
Library (siglum):
Material held:
kpl.: A und B mit handschriftlichem Titelblatt
Local number: H 1985; HH 1985
Local number: H 1985; HH 1985
D-NA , Evangelisch-Lutherische Kirchgemeinde, Pfarrarchiv N 7
Library (siglum):
Material held:
4 parts: S, A, T, 5. St.
Local number: H 1985; HH 1985
External Links: Katalogkarte RISM-Arbeitsstelle Dresden
Local number: H 1985; HH 1985
External Links: Katalogkarte RISM-Arbeitsstelle Dresden
D-Rp , Bischöfliche Zentralbibliothek, Proskesche Musikabteilung [no indication]
Library (siglum):
Material held:
kpl. 7 mit handschriftlichem Titelblatt
Local number: H 1985; HH 1985
Local number: H 1985; HH 1985
D-SLk , Katharinenkirche, Kirchenbibliothek M 2
Library (siglum):
Material held:
2 parts: S, B (incpl)
Local number: H 1985; HH 1985
External Links: Katalogkarte RISM-Arbeitsstelle Dresden
Local number: H 1985; HH 1985
External Links: Katalogkarte RISM-Arbeitsstelle Dresden
D-STEm , Marienkirche, Schönbecksche Bibliothek 3 an VIII 37
Library (siglum):
Material held:
6 parts: A, T, 5.-8. St.
Notes: fehlen S, B
Local number: H 1985; HH 1985
External Links: Katalogkarte RISM-Arbeitsstelle Dresden
Notes: fehlen S, B
Local number: H 1985; HH 1985
External Links: Katalogkarte RISM-Arbeitsstelle Dresden
D-WRha , Hochschule für Musik Franz Liszt, Hochschularchiv - Thüringisches Landesmusikarchiv (HSA - ThLMA) [no indication]
Library (siglum):
Former owner:
Material held:
S, A, T, 5
Local number: H 1985; HH 1985
Local number: H 1985; HH 1985
D-WRtl , Thüringische Landesbibliothek, Musiksammlung M 8 : 55 [3]
Library (siglum):
Material held:
1 part: A (incpl)
Local number: H 1985; HH 1985
External Links: Katalogkarte RISM-Arbeitsstelle Dresden
Local number: H 1985; HH 1985
External Links: Katalogkarte RISM-Arbeitsstelle Dresden
F-Pc , Bibliothèque du Conservatoire [no indication]
Library (siglum):
Material held:
5, 6
Local number: H 1985; HH 1985
Local number: H 1985; HH 1985
GB-Lbl , The British Library [no indication]
Library (siglum):
Material held:
S, A, T, B, 5, 6
Local number: H 1985; HH 1985
Local number: H 1985; HH 1985
PL-Kj , Biblioteka Jagiellońska Mus.ant.pract. H 275 [4]
Library (siglum):
Material held:
kpl.: S, A, T, B, 5, 6, 7, 8
Notes: In Altus: folios 81-84 - handwritten; in Tenor: folio 91 - handwritten.; QVARTVS TOMVS. | MVSICI OPERIS, HARMO-|NIARVM QVATVOR, QVINQVE, SEX, OCTO | ET PLVRIVM VOCVM, QVAE EX SANCTO CATHOLICAE | ECCLESIAE VSV ITA SVNT DISPOSITAE, VT | omni tempore inseruire queant. | Ad Dei Opt: Max: laudem, & Ecclesiae sanctae decus. | Incipit pars de Sanctis. | AVTHORE | Iacobo Hándl. | CANTVS. | PRAGAE, TYPIS NIGRINIANIS. Anno M. D. XC. | Cum Gratia & Priuilegio Sac: Caes: Mai: vt versa pagina declarat.
Local number: H 1985; HH 1985
Notes: In Altus: folios 81-84 - handwritten; in Tenor: folio 91 - handwritten.; QVARTVS TOMVS. | MVSICI OPERIS, HARMO-|NIARVM QVATVOR, QVINQVE, SEX, OCTO | ET PLVRIVM VOCVM, QVAE EX SANCTO CATHOLICAE | ECCLESIAE VSV ITA SVNT DISPOSITAE, VT | omni tempore inseruire queant. | Ad Dei Opt: Max: laudem, & Ecclesiae sanctae decus. | Incipit pars de Sanctis. | AVTHORE | Iacobo Hándl. | CANTVS. | PRAGAE, TYPIS NIGRINIANIS. Anno M. D. XC. | Cum Gratia & Priuilegio Sac: Caes: Mai: vt versa pagina declarat.
Local number: H 1985; HH 1985
PL-Tu , Biblioteka Uniwersytecka w Toruniu [no indication]
Library (siglum):
Material held:
Local number: H 1985; HH 1985
Local number: H 1985; HH 1985
SI-Lng , Narodna in univerzitetna knjižnica, Glasbena zbirka [no indication]
Library (siglum):
Local number:
H 1985; HH 1985
US-R , Sibley Music Library, Eastman School of Music, University of Rochester [no indication]
Library (siglum):
Local number:
H 1985; HH 1985
RISM ID no.: 990026214
Last update: December 10, 2024
Last update: December 10, 2024