Composer cross-reference:
Scoring summary: V (5)
Subject: Motets
Original Title: QUINTUS | NICOLAI GOMBERTI | MVSICI EXCELLENTISSIMI | CVM QVINQVE [printer's mark] VOCIBVS | LIBER SECVNDVS | Venetiis Apud | Antonium Gardane. | 1552
Initial entry:
Source type
Source type: Print
Content type: Notated music
Publishing, printing and production information
Place: Venezia
Publisher, copyist: Antonio Gardano
Format, extent: 5 parts
Book format: obl. 8°
Printing technique: Typography
Parts held and extent: S, A, T, B, V 5: 38, 38, 38, 38, 38 p.
Scoring: S, A, T, B, V 5
Notes: Nachdruck von 1541b
Contains: J. Berchem (2), N. Gombert (20)
In allen Stimmen auf f.1v: "Index Motectorum". Figurierte und ornamentierte Schmuckinitialen.
Lincoln, The Latin Motet (Musikincipits sämtlicher Stücke und Stimmen; als letztes Stück fälschlich das letzte Stück zu Liber primus: Ave mater).
Contains: J. Berchem (2), N. Gombert (20)
In allen Stimmen auf f.1v: "Index Motectorum". Figurierte und ornamentierte Schmuckinitialen.
Lincoln, The Latin Motet (Musikincipits sämtlicher Stücke und Stimmen; als letztes Stück fälschlich das letzte Stück zu Liber primus: Ave mater).
RISM series: RISM A/I G 2986, B/I 15522
Local number: G 2986
Source of description note: D-Mbs 4 107#Beibd.2
Bibliographic reference:
no. 170
- Gombert, Nicolas: Veni electa mea - V (5)
- Gombert, Nicolas: Conceptio tua - V (5)
- Gombert, Nicolas: Hodie nata est - V (5)
- Gombert, Nicolas: Confitebimur tibi - V (5)
- Gombert, Nicolas: Peto Domine ut - V (5)
- Gombert, Nicolas: Cantemus virgini - V (5)
- Gombert, Nicolas: Tota pulchra es - V (5)
- Gombert, Nicolas: Veni dilecta mea - V (5)
- Gombert, Nicolas: Sit Trinitati - V (5)
- Gombert, Nicolas: Surge Petre - V (5)
- Gombert, Nicolas: O magnum misterium - V (5)
- Gombert, Nicolas: Hodie nobis caelorum - V (5)
- Gombert, Nicolas: Ad te levavi - V (5)
- Gombert, Nicolas: O felix Anna - V (5)
- Berchem, Jacquet de: Inclina Domine - V (5)
- Berchem, Jacquet de: Expurgate vetus fermentum - V (5)
- Gombert, Nicolas: O adorandum sacramentum - V (5)
- Gombert, Nicolas: Venite ad me omnes - V (5)
- Gombert, Nicolas: Ave regina - V (5)
- Gombert, Nicolas: Da pacem Domine - V (5)
- Gombert, Nicolas: Ne reminiscaris Domine - V (5)
- Gombert, Nicolas: Ego flos campi - V (5)
United Kingdom
D-B , Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin - Preußischer Kulturbesitz, Musikabteilung [no indication]
Library (siglum):
Material held:
Local number: G 2986
Local number: G 2986
D-Mbs , Bayerische Staatsbibliothek 4 107#Beibd.2
F-B , Bibliothèque municipale 247932(5)
F-Pmeyer , Collection André Meyer [no indication]
Library (siglum):
Material held:
S, T, 5
Local number: G 2986
Local number: G 2986
GB-Lbl , The British Library A.215.b.
Library (siglum):
Material held:
S, T, B, 5
Local number: G 2986
Local number: G 2986
GB-TAr , Somerset Record Office DD/SAS C/1193 8/1
Library (siglum):
Material held:
Local number: G 2986
Local number: G 2986
I-Bc , Museo internazionale e biblioteca della musica di Bologna S.248
Library (siglum):
Material held:
2 parts: S, T
Local number: G 2986
Local number: G 2986
I-Mc , Biblioteca del Conservatorio Statale di Musica Giuseppe Verdi S.B.83
Library (siglum):
Local number:
G 2986
I-Rc , Biblioteca Casanatense Mus. 680|5-684|5
Library (siglum):
Material held:
2 Ex.?
Local number: G 2986
Local number: G 2986
I-TVd , Biblioteca capitolare del Duomo [no indication]
Library (siglum):
Local number:
G 2986
I-Vnm , Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana Mus. 397-401
Library (siglum):
Local number:
G 2986
IRL-Dtc , Trinity College Library B.1.27-31
Library (siglum):
Local number:
G 2986
NL-At , Toonkunst-Bibliotheek 212.F.9
Library (siglum):
Material held:
B, 5
Local number: G 2986
Local number: G 2986
SI-Mš , Škofijski arhiv [no indication]
Library (siglum):
Material held:
Local number: G 2986
Local number: G 2986
RISM ID no.: 990022096
Last update: June 11, 2023
Last update: June 11, 2023