Scoring summary: V (8)
Language of Text: Latin
Subject: Motets
Original Title: CANTVS | Primi Chori | MOTETTI | A OTTO VOCI | DEL R. D. GIOVANNI CROCE | CHIOZZOTTO | Maestro di Capella della Serenissima Signoria | di Venetia, in San Marco, | Commodi per le Voci, e per Cantar con ogni Stromento, | Nuouamente Ristampati, & Corretti. | CON PRIVILEGIO. | IN VENETIA, Appresso Giacomo Vincenti. 1607.
Initial entry:
Source type:
Source type: Print
Content type: Notated music
Publishing, printing and production information:
Place: Venezia Giacomo Vincenti 1607 01
Publisher, copyist: Giacomo Vincenti
RISM series: RISM A/I
Local number: C 4433
Source of description note: D-Mbs 4 530
Bibliographic reference:
p. 70
United Kingdom
D-Mbs , Bayerische Staatsbibliothek 4 530
Library (siglum):
D-Rp , Bischöfliche Zentralbibliothek, Proskesche Musikabteilung [no indication]
Library (siglum):
Material held:
fehlt partit.
GB-Lbl , The British Library [no indication]
Library (siglum):
Material held:
T I, B I, B II, partit.
I-VCd , Archivio e Biblioteca capitolare del Duomo di S. Eusebio [no indication]
Library (siglum):
Material held:
fehlt partit.
PL-Kj , Biblioteka Jagiellońska Mus.ant.pract. C 1200
Library (siglum):
Material held:
I: S, A, T, B II: S, A, T, B
Notes: On the title page in Cantus Primi Chori - handwritten: "Venetia allo stesso 1599[...] 1603 e 1615".
Notes: On the title page in Cantus Primi Chori - handwritten: "Venetia allo stesso 1599[...] 1603 e 1615".
PL-WRu , Biblioteka Uniwersytecka [no indication]
Library (siglum):
Material held:
fehlen T I, B I, T II und partit.
US-Pu , University of Pittsburgh, Music Library [no indication]
Library (siglum):
Material held:
fehlen S I und A II
RISM ID no.: 990011783
Last update: June 11, 2023
Last update: June 11, 2023