Scoring summary: vl (2), bc
Opus number: op. 1
Subject: Trio sonatas
Original Title: VIOLINO PRIMO. | SONATE | A trè, doi Violini, e Violone, ò Arcileuto, | col Basso per l'Organo. | CONSECRATE | ALLA SACRA REAL MAESTA' DI | CRISTINA ALESSANDRA | REGINA DI SVEZIA, &c. | DA ARCANGELO CORELLI DA FVSIGNANO, | detto il Bolognese, | OPERA PRIMA. | [coats of arms] | In ROMA, Nella Stamperia di Gio: Angelo Mutij. I68I. Con licenza de' Super.
Source type
Source type: Print
Content type: Notated music
Publishing, printing and production information
Place: Roma
Publisher, copyist: Giovanni Angelo Mutij
Format, extent: 4 parts
Dimensions: 23,7 x 17,5 cm
Parts held and extent: vl 1, 2, vlne or archleute, org
Format, extent:
RISM series: RISM A/I C 3658
Local number: C 3658
Source of description note: I-Sd, 2792/34
Bibliographic reference:
vol. 1, p. 321
United Kingdom
GB-Lbl , The British Library [no indication]
Library (siglum):
Material held:
vl II
Local number: C 3658
Local number: C 3658
I-Bc , Museo internazionale e biblioteca della musica di Bologna Y.173
Library (siglum):
I-Sd , Archivio del Duomo, Biblioteca Piccolomini e Opera Metropolitana 2792/34
Library (siglum):
Cartone grezzo.
Material held: vl I, vl II, vlne/archleute; fehlt org
Shelfmark (olim): L.13
Local number: C 3658
Material held: vl I, vl II, vlne/archleute; fehlt org
Shelfmark (olim): L.13
Local number: C 3658
RISM ID no.: 990011043
Last update: June 11, 2023
Last update: June 11, 2023