Composer cross-reference:
Scoring summary: V (5)
Subject: Madrigals, Canzoni (voc.)
Original Title: MADRIGALI | ET CANZONI | A CINQVE VOCI | DI VALERIO BONA | LIBRO PRIMO | Nouamente posto in luce. | [printer's mark] | IN VENETIA, | APPRESSO ANGELO GARDANO. | 1601.
Source type
Source type: Print
Content type: Notated music
Publishing, printing and production information
Place: Venezia
Publisher, copyist: Angelo Gardano
Format, extent: 5 parts: 32 p.
Book format: 4°
Printing technique: Typography
Notes: Contains: V. Bona (26), C. Porta
RISM series: RISM A/I B 3438, B/I 1601¦10
Local number: B 3438
Source of description note: B-Gu BHSL.RES.0671/4 (Alto)
United Kingdom
B-Gu , Universiteitsbibliotheek BHSL.RES.0671/4
GB-Lbl , The British Library C.284.
Library (siglum):
Material held:
A, 5
Local number: B 3438
Local number: B 3438
RISM ID no.: 990006171
Last update: July 12, 2023
Last update: July 12, 2023