4 Keyboard pieces
Contains works by C.P.E. Bach (3) and Kirnberger (1) US-NH , LM 5009
Original Title: [cover title:] 3. Sonaten di C.P.E. Bach.
  • Source type
    Source type: Manuscript copy
    Content type: Notated music
    1750-1846 (18/19)
    Format, extent: part
    Dimensions: 35 x 21 cm
    Parts held and extent: hpcd: 12f.
    Watermark description
    Harp; Horn
    Covered in paper.
    Binding note
    Binding note: Unbound and sewn.
Former owner: [Verified]
Former owner: [Verified]
Provenance note: Mason, Lowell, Rinck, Johann Christian Heinrich
Notes: Unfoliated.
Embossed on cover, upper right corner: LOWELL MASON | LIBRARY OF MUSIC | YALE COLLEGE | THEOL. DEPARTMENT
t.p., f.1r: III. | SONATA | per il | Cembalo Solo | del Sigl. | C.P.E. Bach: | Poss. J: Ch: H: Rinck.
Other shelfmark: (Ma21.Y11.B116)
Library (siglum) shelfmark: LM 5009
RISM ID no.: 900007247
Last update: October 16, 2022