\ Tre sonetti del Petrarca!, V, pf
Autograph manuscript I-Mr , MUSICA MS PART. 03283
Text author:
Scoring summary: V, pf
Language of Text: Italian
Subject: Vocal pieces
Original Title: Tre sonetti di Francesco Petrarca | in morte di Madonna Laura | musicati | per Canto e Pianoforte
  • Source type
    Source type: Autograph manuscript
    Content type: Notated music
    Publishing, printing and production information
    Place: [s.l.]
    Format, extent: score
    Dimensions: 330 x 240 mm
Notes: 1 partitura (8 c.)
in calce al frontespizio scritto numero 119228
Subject heading: \ Tre sonetti del Petrarca!
External Links: Original catalogue entry
Library (siglum) shelfmark: MUSICA MS PART. 03283
RISM ID no.: 850815841
Last update: October 16, 2022