Sonatas, vl, bc, TalB SV1 in Bb major
Manuscript copy
GB-Lbl , Add. 31466
Composer cross-reference:
Scoring summary: vl, bc
Language of Text: English
Subject: Sonatas
Catalog of works:
Original Title: [Manuscript music, untitled] [...] Martino
Source type
Source type: Manuscript copy
Content type: Notated music
Format, extent: score: f. 40v-47r
1.1.1; Ada; vl; B|b
(Incipit from TalB.)
(Incipit from TalB.)
1.2.1; Allemanda.; vl; B|b
(Incipit from TalB.)
(Incipit from TalB.)
1.3.1; Sarabanda.; vl; B|b
(Incipit from TalB.)
(Incipit from TalB.)
1.4.1; [Giga].; vl; B|b
(Incipit from TalB.)
(Incipit from TalB.)
Scoring: vl, bc
Notes: [S.l.], [s.n.], middle of the 18th century
Incorrectly attributed as follows in Hughes-Hughes: "[Giuseppe San] Martino" (or Sammartini)
According to TalbotB 2013, composer is in fact Martino Bitti.
Alternate title and incipits 1.2.1-1.4.1 from BorinB 2013.
Comment on scoring: strings 10000. bc
Incorrectly attributed as follows in Hughes-Hughes: "[Giuseppe San] Martino" (or Sammartini)
According to TalbotB 2013, composer is in fact Martino Bitti.
Alternate title and incipits 1.2.1-1.4.1 from BorinB 2013.
Comment on scoring: strings 10000. bc
Bibliographic reference:
vol.3, p.245
Library (siglum) shelfmark:
Add. 31466
RISM ID no.: 806041613
Last update: October 16, 2022
Last update: October 16, 2022