Hor ch'ho sentito, S, cemb
Manuscript copy
GB-Lbl , Harley 1265
Scoring summary: S, cemb
Language of Text: Italian
Subject: Cantatas
Original Title: Carlo Ambrosio Lunati - detto il Gobo della Regina (Christina)
Source type
Source type: Manuscript copy
Content type: Notated music
Format, extent: part
Parts held and extent: S and hpcd (= b.fig): f.193r-200r
1.1.1; S; e
Hor ch'ho sentito
Scoring: S, cemb, bc: cemb
Notes: In Hughes-HughesB 1906 noch Carlo del Violino zugeschrieben
Bibliographic reference:
vol.2, p.495
Library (siglum) shelfmark:
Harley 1265
RISM ID no.: 800260148
Last update: October 16, 2022
Last update: October 16, 2022