From hardy climes and dangerous toils of war, V (4), Coro, orch, ZimP 325 in D major
Autograph manuscript GB-Lbl , R.M.20.h.8.
Scoring summary: V (4), Coro, orch
Language of Text: English
Subject: Wedding music
Catalog of works: 325
Original Title: [caption title:] 12) | (15) (A Song that was perform'd to Prince George upon his marriage wth ye Lady Ann.) | Symph.
  • Source type
    Source type: Autograph manuscript
    Content type: Notated music
    Format, extent: score: f.207r-202r
1.1.1; 1. Symph..; vl; D
1.2.1; 2. Vers.; B solo; D
From hardy climes and dangerous toils of war
Scoring: S, A, T, B, Coro S, Coro A, Coro T, Coro B, vl (2), vla, bc
Notes: 47. Komposition in der Handschrift
47th composition in manuscript
Bibliographic reference: vol.2, p.171
Library (siglum) shelfmark: R.M.20.h.8.
RISM ID no.: 800238115
Last update: October 16, 2022