Cleonice, S, strings, WotG 1A.2/5, Excerpts
Manuscript copy B-Bc , 4018
Text author: [Ascertained]
Scoring summary: S, strings
Language of Text: Italian
Subject: Operas
Scoring: S, vl 1, vl 2, vla, b
Catalog of works: 1A.2/5
Original Title: [caption title:] 1742 | San Samuele | Dal suo gentil sembiante | Del Sigr: Christoforo Gluck | [added in the middle, with red ink:] 5 Arie nel [souligné] Demetrio.
  • Source type:
    Source type: Manuscript copy
    Content type: Notated music
    1742 (?1742?)
    Format, extent: score: 7p.
    Dimensions: 18 x 24 cm
1.1.1; Largo; vl 1; E|b
1.1.2; S; Demetrio (Alceste); E|b
Dal suo gentil sembiante
Roles: Cleonice, Barsene, Fenicio, Olinto, Demetrio
Notes: Le passage final en 3/8 est également présent dans le manuscrit
Library (siglum) shelfmark: 4018
RISM ID no.: 702001734
Last update: October 16, 2022