Die Sieben Letzten Worte unseres Erlösers am Kreuze, orch, Hob XX:1A, Excerpts in C minor
Manuscript copy A-HALn , ohne Signatur
Scoring summary: orch
Subject: Sonatas
Catalog of works: XX:1A
Original Title: [caption title, f.1r:] Il Terremotto
  • Source type
    Source type: Manuscript copy
    Content type: Notated music
    1800 (1800c)
    Format, extent: 1 part
    Dimensions: 33 x 23 cm
    Parts held and extent: vl 1
    Watermark description
    [A HALn 159]
    other parts missing
    Copyist: [Ascertained]
1.1.1; Il Terremoto. Presto con tutta la forza; vl 1; c
Scoring: vl 1, vl 2, vla, vlc, b, fl (2), ob (2), fag (2), cor (4), tr (2), timp
Notes: Stimmenbezeichnung fehlt
Besetzung rekonstruiert nach Hob.
Bibliographic reference:
Library (siglum) shelfmark: ohne Signatur
RISM ID no.: 651001397
Last update: November 21, 2024