Text author:
Language of Text: Italian
Subject: Stage music, Operas
Original Title: Il Geloso al Cimento : Opera Buffa [in tre atti] / Del Sig:r Pasquale Anfossi. [Text: Giovanni Bertati]
Source type
Source type: Manuscript copy
Content type: Notated music
Publishing, printing and production information
Place: Wien
Format, extent: 1 score (2vol.)
Dimensions: ca. qu.-23 x 30 cm
Watermark description
Copyist: [Ascertained]
Copyist: [Ascertained]
Papermaker: [Ascertained]
Provenance note: Aus der Hofkapelle
Notes: Tinte
Diese Musikquelle ist Gegenstand des FWF-Projekts "Paper and Copyists in Viennese Opera Scores". Weitere Informationen unter https://www.mdw.ac.at/imi/ctmv/p_und_c/index.html.
Diese Musikquelle ist Gegenstand des FWF-Projekts "Paper and Copyists in Viennese Opera Scores". Weitere Informationen unter https://www.mdw.ac.at/imi/ctmv/p_und_c/index.html.
Contents note: Band 1: 208 Bl., Band 2: 181 Bl.
Local number: AC14255259
External Links: Katalogisat
; Alte Titelaufnahme
; Zettel (Katalogkarte)
; Paper and Copyists in Viennese Opera Scores
Other shelfmark: Mus.Hs.18046/1, Mus.Hs.18046/2
Library (siglum) shelfmark:
RISM ID no.: 600102240
Last update: December 12, 2024
Last update: December 12, 2024