Cotillions, pf, op. 72
Composer cross-reference: [Ascertained]
Scoring summary: pf
Opus number: op. 72
Subject: Cotillions, Operas
Original Title: [title page:] COTILLONS | nach beliebten Motiven | aus der Oper: | DER ZWEYKAMPF | für das | Piano-Forte | von | Johann Strauss. | 72tes Werk.
  • Source type
    Source type: Print
    Content type: Notated music
    1834 (1834c)
    Format, extent: 1 part
    Dimensions: 26,5 x 34,5 cm
    Parts held and extent: pf: 9p.
    Plate or publisher number
    Plate number: 6763
Provenance note: Schönborn-Lobkovic
1.1.1; No. 1.; pf; A
Scoring: pf
Notes: Impressum: "Wien, bei Tobias Haslinger, k.k. Hof- u. priv. Kunst-u. Musikalienhändler...", [Pl.] No. 6763
Source of description note: CZ-Pk 3433
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Czech Republic
Library (siglum):
Former owner: [Ascertained]
Notes: Auf der Titelseite rechts oben länglicher violetter Stempeldruck: "Lobkowitz-Sammlung"
RISM ID no.: 550280611
Last update: August 22, 2024