Paride ed Elena, S (3), strings, b, WotG 1A.39/106, Excerpts
Manuscript copy CZ-Pnm , XLVI C 49
Text author: [Ascertained]
Scoring summary: S (3), strings, b
Language of Text: Italian
Subject: Operas
Scoring: S (3), vl 1, vl 2, vla, b
Catalog of works: 1A.39/106
Original Title: Gluck: Sempre a te saro fedele oder Audi filia.
  • Source type:
    Source type: Manuscript copy
    Content type: Notated music
    Format, extent: score
    Copyist: [Ascertained]
Former owner:
1.1.1; Andante; vl 1
1.1.2; Andante; S 3; Paride
Sempre a te sarò fedele
Roles: Amore (S), Elena (S), Paride
Library (siglum) shelfmark: XLVI C 49
RISM ID no.: 550000518
Last update: June 11, 2023