Quintets, fl, ob, vla, bc, op.11, 1, WarB B 70 in C major
Other title:
Quintette, Fl Ob Vl Va Bc op. 11, 1
Manuscript copy D-Bsa , SA 3295
Manuscript copy D-Bsa , SA 3295
Scoring summary: fl, ob, vla, bc
Opus number: op.11, 1
Language of Text: German
Subject: Quintets (inst.)
Scoring: vl, vla, fl, ob, vlc
Catalog of works:
B 70
Original Title: [title page, vlc, f. 1r:] No: 18 | Quintetto in C [natural] | a | Flauto: Traverso | Oboe. | Violino. Viola | et | Violoncello | del Sigr: Bach [later: "London"]
Source type:
Source type: Manuscript copy
Content type: Notated music
Format, extent: 5 parts
Dimensions: 33,5 x 21 cm
Parts held and extent: vl, vla, vlc, fl, ob: 2, 2, 2f., 2, 2f.
Watermark description:
Adlerwasserzeichen (?)
Moderne Paginierung/Foliierung mit Blei.
Shelfmark (olim): ZD 1632a, D V 1632 [/ 979], No: 18
Former owner:
Notes: Alle Stimmen mit Stempel "SLev".
Stempel Konservatorium Kiew, Stempel Archiv-Museum Kiew.
Stempel Konservatorium Kiew, Stempel Archiv-Museum Kiew.
Bibliographic reference:
Library (siglum) shelfmark:
SA 3295
RISM ID no.: 469329500
Last update: October 16, 2022
Last update: October 16, 2022