Concertos, cemb, orch, HelB 446, Wq 35 in Eb major
Manuscript copy D-Bsa , SA 2582
Scoring summary: cemb, orch
Subject: Concertos
Catalog of works: 446 35
Original Title: [caption title, f. 1r:] Concerto. del Sr C. F. E. Bach. per l'Organo
  • Source type
    Source type: Manuscript copy
    Content type: Notated music
    1759 (p)
    Publishing, printing and production information
    Place: Berlin [ascertained]
    Format, extent: score: 26p.
    Dimensions: 37 x 22 cm
    Watermark description
    [without watermark]
    Moderne Bleistiftpaginierung: 1-27 (p.27 nur rastriert, p.[28] leer).
    Copyist: [Ascertained]
  • Source type
    Source type: Manuscript copy
    Content type: Notated music
    Format, extent: 5 parts
    Dimensions: 34,5 x 21 cm
    Parts held and extent: iSol: cemb, vl 1, vl 2, vla, b: 6f., 2, 2, 2, 2f.
    Watermark description
    nicht identifizierbar
    Title on material: [cemb, title page, f.1r:] [by Menges:] N. 18. | [by Copyist Anon. 303:] Concerto | a | Cembalo Concertato | Violino Primo | Violino Secondo | Viola | e | Basso | dell Sigr. C. P. E. | Bach. | [incipit by Menges]; Nur cemb-Stimme von Copyist C. P. E. Bach VI; alle weiteren Stimmen von Copyist Berlin7.; Moderne Bleistiftfoliierung: 1-14.
    Former owner:
Shelfmark (olim): ZD 1465g, [D II 1465 / 890]
Former owner:
Former owner: [Conjectural]
Provenance note: Mengis, Christian, Agricola, Johann Friedrich
Scoring: iSol: cemb, vl (2), vla, b
Notes: Das Konvolut umfasst die Partitur-Abschrift von Agricola und den kompletten Stimmensatz von Copyist Anon. 303 (Kast) und Copyist Anon. Berlin7.
Stempel Konservatorium Kiew, Stempel Archiv-Museum Kiew.
Comment on scoring: cemb: oberes System im Diskantschlüssel. org (cemb)
Bibliographic reference: p.234
Library (siglum) shelfmark: SA 2582
RISM ID no.: 469258200
Last update: October 16, 2022