Die Sieben Letzten Worte unseres Erlösers am Kreuze, orch, Hob XX/1A
Manuscript copy
D-Bsa , SA 113
Scoring summary: orch
Subject: Sonatas
Catalog of works:
Original Title: [caption title, f. 1r:] Musica Istromentale Sopra le Sette ultime parole del nostro Redentore in Croce del Sigr. G. Hayden
Source type
Source type: Manuscript copy
Content type: Notated music
Publishing, printing and production information
Place: Berlin
Format, extent: score: 99p.
Dimensions: 26 x 35,5 cm
Watermark description
großes, gekröntes, geschwungenes Monogramm "FR" - Gegenmarke nicht erkennbar
Binding note
Binding note: Hellblauer Pappumschlag, Rücken defekt.
Copyist: [Ascertained]
Shelfmark (olim): ZC 390a, C I 390 / 46
Scoring: vl (2), vla, vlc, b, fl (2), ob (2), fag (2), cor (4), tr (2), timp
Notes: Vermutlich Abschrift des Artaria-Druckes RISM A/I H 3298, Wien 1787.
Stempel Konservatorium Kiew, Stempel Archiv-Museum Kiew.
Stempel Konservatorium Kiew, Stempel Archiv-Museum Kiew.
External Links: Schriftprobe Johann Samuel Carl Possin [p. 1-2]
Bibliographic reference:
p. 112/113
Library (siglum) shelfmark:
SA 113
RISM ID no.: 469011300
Last update: October 16, 2022
Last update: October 16, 2022