Ezio, S, orch, Excerpts
Manuscript copy D-B , Mus.ms. 30128
Text author: [Ascertained]
Scoring summary: S, orch
Language of Text: Italian
Subject: Operas, Arias (voc.)
Original Title: [heading, p.207:] E dur. Aria dal Sigr. de Gluck [at right:] Pölchau: | [added with pencil by later hand: "aus Ezio"] [at the tail, at right:] p 2_
  • Source type
    Source type: Manuscript copy
    Content type: Notated music
    Format, extent: score: p.207-214
    Dimensions: 33 x 20,5 cm
    Watermark description
    [lion in a circle?]
Former owner: [Verified]
Provenance note: Poelchau, Georg Johann Daniel
1.1.1; Andante; S; E
Ecco alle mie catene
Scoring: S, vl 1, vl 2, vla (2), b, cor (2)
Notes: Als Wasserzeichen nur schwach erkennbar ein Kreis, darin vermutlich ein Löwe.
Comment on scoring: Zu Beginn steht vor dem Singstimmensystem "Alto Voce", was ein Versehen sein muss, da es sich eindeuitg um einen C-1-Schlüssel handelt..
Library (siglum) shelfmark: Mus.ms. 30128
RISM ID no.: 455027514
Last update: October 16, 2022