Fugues, pf, KV deest, Sketches in Eb major
Autograph manuscript D-Tu , Mk 95
Dedicatee: [Ascertained]
Dedicatee: [Ascertained]
Scoring summary: pf
Subject: Fugues (inst.)
Catalog of works: deest
Original Title: [heading, by Stadler's hand:] Anfang einer Klavierfuge | [at the tail, by Nissen's hand:] Mozarts Handschrift | [by Häser's hand:] Seinem Freunde Theuß und A. F. Häser
  • Source type
    Source type: Autograph manuscript
    Content type: Notated music
    1782 (1782)
    Format, extent: 1 part
    Dimensions: 23 x 16 cm
    Parts held and extent: pf: 1f.
    Watermark description
    B [countermark: 3 crescents]
1.1.1; pf; E|b
Scoring: pf
Other: [Ascertained]
Other: [Ascertained]
Notes: Der fehlende Teil des Blattes befindet sich in Basel in Privatbesitz, ist jedoch in Kopie in der Paul-Sacher-Stiftung einsehbar
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Zum Wasserzeichen siehe Literatur NMA
Bibliographic reference: p.11-36 p.24f (text), p.44f (facsimile)
Library (siglum) shelfmark: Mk 95
RISM ID no.: 455017882
Last update: November 21, 2024