Scoring summary: fl, vl (2), vla, b
Subject: Concertos
Catalog of works:
Original Title: [title page, b:] Concerto | Col | Flauto Traverso Principale | Violino Primo | Violino Secundo | Viola et | Basso | del Sign. Ign: Holtzbauer | [incipit: fl and b]
Source type
Source type: Manuscript copy
Content type: Notated music
1753-1760 (1753-1760c)
Format, extent: 5 parts
Dimensions: 27,5 x 39 cm
Parts held and extent: fl traverso principale, vl 1, 2, a-vla (violetta), b: 4, 4, 2, 2, 2f.
Watermark description
BL [in a monogram, countermark: Basle crosier]; [= KA 139]; [= WolfM 2002, appendix B, Blum 1]; [Basle crosier, no countermark]; [= KA 140]; [= WolfM 2002, appendix B, Blum 1a]
Copyist: [Ascertained]
Shelfmark (olim): Nro 52, 96
1.1.1; Allegro comodo; fl; A
1.1.2; b; A
1.2.1; Larghetto e grazioso assai; D
1.3.1; Allegro; A
Scoring: iSol: fl, vl (2), vla, b
Notes: Auf dem Titelblatt oben (Hand Molters): "Nro 52" (Verweis auf MolterM); rechts daneben (moderne Hand, in Blei, durchgestrichen): "96"
Bibliographic reference:
p.209, 281, 376
Library (siglum) shelfmark:
Mus. Hs. 208
RISM ID no.: 453002183
Last update: August 21, 2023
Last update: August 21, 2023